twenty one

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After getting everything cleared and approved by the hospital and getting all the necessary steps to get approved to adopt April just had to break the news to Landon and Nathan. It had taken a little over a month to get everything situated. April had been spending her time in Chicago. She had talked often with Caleb just updating him on what's going on. Everyday she talked with Mitch. Mitch listened to her go on and on about how excited she was and how much she cared for the two boys. When they would facetime he would look at her with so much adoration. He was falling in love with her. 

The boys were facing the Blackhawks in Chicago so they were gonna be there for the big moment. They were meeting her at the hospital. April got Landon and Nathan in Landon's room and they were hanging around playing board games. Then the boys got there. "Listen up! I've got an announcement to make!" April stood up on a chair smiling with her hand in the air. Everyone turned their attention to her. 

"For the past month and a half I've been talking with the hospital and with a whole bunch of other people about bringing Landon home and adopting him. Just yesterday I got the papers in the mail so it's official now. Landon West, you are officially under my custody and you'll be moving to Toronto with me in two days" April announced and everyone in the room cheered. "I'm so happy for you Landon. This is amazing!" Nathan told Landon. "But that's not all!" April spoke up. 

She stepped down from the chair and went to kneel in front of Nathan. She smiled at him as she spoke, "Nathan Anderson, would you like to be a part of the West family as well?" He stared at her with wide eyes. "I-I, of course I'd like to be a part of your family" He said. "Good because you're coming home with me in two days as well. i've sorted out all of the paperwork and you're our family now" She smiled and wrapped her arms around him. He hugged her back tightly. "Thank you so much April. This means so much to me" Tears rolled down his face as he spoke. "You'll get to live in Toronto with me, Landon, and the boys. I'm thrilled to have you as a part of our family" She unwrapped her arms from him and stood up. 

Landon and Nathan started going on and on about their plans now that they;ll be living in an actual apartment and have some more freedom. April stood off to the side with the guys. Mitch walked up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist. "This is gonna be great for them" Mitch said. "I'm really hoping it'll be great" She said. Mitch spun her around so she was facing him. "It'll be the best thing that has every happened to you and those boys. They already love you and trust you so much. They wouldn't want it any other way. They are so lucky to have you in their life" Mitch held her hands in his. She sighed. 

"I'll have to start looking for an apartment soon. Can't be living with Caleb and Willy. There's not enough room for all of us" She explained. "Come stay with me for a while. Just until you get on your feet and find a new place for the three of you. I have a guest bedroom with two twin beds in it. They can stay in there for the time being and you can stay in my room with me" He grinned at the last part. "That sounds great. Thank you so much Mitch. This means a lot to me" zshe placed her arms around his neck. "I'm happy to help" He smiled. 

Mitch dipped his head down and placed a kiss on April's lips. When they pulled away she leaned her head on his chest. "It's time to get ready for the game" She sighed. "I'll see you in a few hours. You better not be wearing a Kane jersey" He warned her. She only laughed. They boys said their goodbyes and they left. "So, what jerseys do you guys want to wear?" SHe asked the boys grinning. 

i feel like this book is going downhill...

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