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Today was a day for Landon and I. We were going to do whatever he wanted to do. I woke up and got dressed. I headed to the kitchen for breakfast. William and Caleb were sitting at the table eating already. "Good morning" I smiled at them.

"Morning, what are your plans for today?" Caleb asked. "I'm going to be spending the day with Landon to do whatever he wants to. He's leaving in a day and I want to be with him as much as possible" I told him.

After I ate my breakfast I went back into my room to check on Landon. He was awake and sitting on the bed. "Hey" I greeted him. "Hi. When do you want to go?" He said.

"We can go whenever you want. Just get some breakfast in you and take a shower if you want" I said. "Okay great" He left the room. I walked out behind him to find William. Willy was grabbing a drink from the fridge when I found him. "What's up?" He said.

"I've got some time to waste so, do you want watch friends with me?" I asked. "Yeah let's get back to watching it together like old times" He said. I nodded my head and we went to the living room to watch it.

Willy and I were able to watch two episodes of friends before Landon was ready. We hopped in my car and headed out. "I was thinking we could do a little shopping then have lunch somewhere" Landon suggested. "Sure that sounds great"

I drove us to this little strip mall where they had a couple of stores. We got out of the car and headed in to one of the stores. "What were you thinking of getting?" I asked. "Just a few shirts on shorts" He replied. "You know we almost always do the same exact thing everytime we get together" I said. "Oh yeah we do" He laughed a little.

"Like the last time we spent time together when I was out in Chicago we went shopping there and got you a hockey jersey.I don't remember whose jersey it was" I told him.

"I'm pretty sure I got a Kane jersey. Yeah I did. You went on about how much you love him!" He laughed. "You can't blame me! His smile is so cute and he's such a nice guy!"

He laughed at me more as I said that. I shoved him a little and laughed with him.

"I had a very fun time spending the day with you April" Landon told me. "I did too bud. I'm just a little disappointed that you have to leave tomorrow" I sighed. "I'll facetime you as often as I can and you can come visit anytime" He said. "I know but it's just not the same without you physically being here"

"I'm gonna miss you a lot" He admitted. "I'll miss you too" I hugged him. "You better get to sleep you're gonna need your energy tomorrow" I told him. He nodded his head and walked over to his bed. I pulled the covers on me and switched the light off.

"Goodnight April" Landon whispered. "Night bud" I whispered and closed my eyes.

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