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It was mid day and Caleb was out with his teammates while April sat alone at home. She was working on a couple essay's for her classes when there was a knock at the door. She furrowed her eyebrows and headed to the door. She swung the door open and her jaw dropped in shock. "Dad?!"

"Hey April, Can we talk?" Anthony asked his daughter. "Um, sure come on in" April moved to the side as he entered the apartment. "Would you anything to drink?" She asked. "No thank you" Anthony smiled. They headed in the living room and sat down on the couches across the room from each other. "What are you doing here?" She got straight to the point. "I just wanted to come here and talk. I wanted to clear things up, apologize, make things right"

"Ok, I'm listening" April nodded her head from him to continue. "I've been a horrible father to you and the boys. You guys didn't deserve any of the shit your mother and I put you guys through. You were all just kids and the way we treated you wasn't right. And I am so sorry for everything. I don't expect you to forgive me but I just wanted to let you know that I am truly sorry for how I've treated you.

The pressure your mother and I put on you was too much. It was wrong. What we did to Landon was flat out wrong. We shouldn't have sent him away like that. We shouldn't have put him in a hospital. We should've been better parents and I am so sorry that we weren't the parents you needed. I fucked up. Laura fucked up. I've always had issues with dealing with my anger. And I would take it out on you guys.

This might not be easy to hear but your mother and I have divorced. We came to an agreement that we needed to split up. Our relationship was unhealthy. We both got to a really low point and we realized that the only way to fix it and get better is to start over. Don't get me wrong, I love your mother. I always have and I always will but we did what had to be done. We're both happy and in a better place now. I told her to give you all some more time before she tries to contact you or anything like that.

I really hope that one day whenever you are ready that you can forgive me for my actions. I care about you and caleb and Landon so I'm trying to make things better. I love you April. Thank you for listening to me. I shall get going then and leave you be" Anthony made a move to get up but April stopped him.

"Dad, I couldn't hate you even if I tried. You are a good dad. You just had your bad moments. I still remember all the good times we had. You always cared and loved us. But sometimes you just had a hard time showing it but we knew it. And I forgive you. I do. You're making an effort to make things right and to turn your life around. I'm proud of you for that. I love you" April grabbed a hold of her father's hand. He smiled with relief and squeezed her hand. "Thank you for forgiving me. I'm glad we had this talk. but I really should get going" Anthony said. April nodded her head and they stood up. Anthony made a move for the door but April called out for him. "Wait!"

He turned around to face her. "Before you go just promise me you'll stay in touch?" She asked hopeful. "I promise. Take care April" Anthony smiled one last time before he shut the door. April sighed with happiness. She was glad she had a talk with her father. And even though things had been rough she couldn't hate him. Things were gonna get better.


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