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Landon's birthday is today! My little brother is now fifteen years old. He's growing up so fast.

Landon was still asleep when i woke up and it was 8:30 so i headed down to the kitchen. I made breakfast for everyone. Pancakes, eggs, bacon, and toast. William came down first at around 9 and a few minutes later Caleb came into the kitchen.

"Lets go wake him up!" I grabbed Caleb's arm and dragged him to my room. We walked in the room and went over to the bed. I started counting down. Three, two, one...

"Happy Birthday Landon!" Caleb and I shouted. Landon jolted awake and was very startled. "I hate you guys!" He groaned. We laughed at him. "Happy birthday kiddo" Caleb said. "Thanks brother" Landon smiled at him. Caleb left the room. "Happy birthday Landon" I told him. "Thank you April"

"So I have breakfast in the kitchen all ready for you so get up and get to the kitchen before hey eat it all" I said. Landon jumped out of bed and bolted out of the door. I laughed at him and ran after him.

After breakfast Auston and Mitch came over. The boys all talked in the living room while I grabbed Landon's presents. "Open these up then we'll get going" I handed Landon his presents. "Go where?" Landon asked. "You'll see" Caleb said. 

Landon started opening his presents and got the t-shirts first. "Oh my, thank you" Landon smiled at me. "Open the other one!" I said. Landon ripped the wrapping paper off of it and then went to open the box. He pulled out his brand new goalie stick.

"No way! Thank you so much April! I love it" Landon stood up and ran over to me. He engulfed me in a hug and I laughed at him. I didn't think he'd be this excited about a goalie stick but good for him.

"So do you guys have all the stuff that we need?" I aske dthe guys. "Yeah, we are good to go" Auston replied. "Great! I'll take Landon in my car and the rest of you boys can take Mitch's alright?" I said. "Sounds good. Let's go!" William said and we all walked out the door.

We got to our cars and the boys all piled in and I laughed at them because they were pushing each other in the car. "Go sit in the front" I told Landon. I placed his goalie stick in the trunk and sat in the drivers seat.

Mitch pulled out of his parking spot and I followed behind him. "are you gonna tell me where we're going?" Landon asked. "Hmm, nope!" I laughed. "Why not?" He groaned. "It's a surprise and you find out soon enough! So please put this blindfold on" I handed him a blindfold. "Do I have to?" He questioned. "Just put it on!" I said.

He put the blindfold on and within a few minutes we arrived at the air canada centre. Landon was gonna love this. I pulled into a parking spot and jumped out of the car and jogged over to Landon's side. I opened his door.

"Give me your hands" I told him. "You better not let me hit something" He said. I got him out of the car successfully and I opened the trunk. The boys came over to the car and Landon was still gripping my arm with his hand.

"We just need to get this stuff in there" I told them. "Okay so you take yours and I guess we'll take his" Mitch said. I grabbed my hockey bag and slung it on my shoulder and grabbed Landon's stick.

We got down to the locker rooms and i pulled Landon's blindfold off. He looked shocked and extremely happy. " is this really happening?" Landon said. "Get your gear on bud. We have some hockey to play" Caleb smirked at him.

We played hockey on the ice for an hour or two and we all had a lot of fun. Landon was the happiest kid I have ever seen. It warmed my heart to see him like this. This kid truly deserved the world.

We headed back to the car with all the hockey bags. We stuffed the bags in the trunk and headed back to the apartment.

We ordered pizza and had a cake. After we ate dinner we had the cake and sang happy birthday to Landon. Then we all hung out around the apartment and enjoyed each other's company.

When it was around 9pm the guys decided to head home. "Thanks for inviting us to hang out with you guys. And again, happy birthday Landon" Auston said. "Yeah happy birthday Landon. I had a great time with you today" Mitch said.

The boys said goodbye to Caleb, William, and Landon and they headed for the door. I walked them out and Mitch told Auston he would meet him at the car.

"I had a fun time with all of you guys today. Especially you" Mitch smiled. "I had a lot of fun too. And it was bonus to get to spend the entire day with you" I said. "I'll see on Thursday at 5:30" Mitch said. "Yeah see you then" I said. We hugged and Mitch walked towards the elevator.

I shut the door and started heading towards my room when Caleb stopped me. "April!" Caleb called out from behind me. I stopped and turned towards him. "Yeah?" I said. "What's on Thursday?" He smirked.

"Uh, um, I-We..." I stumbled on my words. I chuckled nervously. "I won't be mad if you tell me" He said. "Well Mitch and I are going on a date" I admitted. "That's great. Goodnight April" Caleb said and walked into his room. I smiled to myself and walked in my room.

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