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April unlocked the apartment door and walked in with Landon trailing behind her. She set the bags to the side in the kitchen. Landon walked further in the apartment and stared in awe at the living room. "This place is so nice!" He said. "Lucky for you, you get to stay here for an entire week" She said.

"Caleb!" April called out. Within a matter of seconds Caleb appeared in the living room. Caleb and Landon ran towards each other and hugged each other. "Landon, I'm so happy you're here" Caleb said. "It's been a long time" Landon said.

They release each other from the hug and smile at each other. "I've really missed having you around kiddo" Caleb said. "Not gonna lie I actually missed you big brother" Landon laughed. April smiled at her two brothers and headed to the kitchen to make dinner. 

They both followed her and sat down at the island in the kitchen. "What do you plan on making?" Caleb asked. "My famous homemade mac and cheese" She smiled. "Yes! I've missed your cooking so much April!" Landon exclaimed.

After they all ate dinner they put a movie on in the living room. Halfway through the movie April's phone started ringing. She excused herself and stepped into the kitchen.

"Hello?" She said. "Hello my sweet daughter!" Laura said. "Let me guess you heard the news?" April asked. "Yes I did. Now tell me why? Why would you take him out of that hospital? You know very well he needs to stay in there because that's were crazy people belong. That's where Landon belongs!" Laura said.

"You've got it all wrong Laura. You don't know your son at all. He's not crazy and if you ever want to call him that again you can forget ever speaking to me again. If you really knew your son you'd know why he was acting like that in the first place. He was bullied at school. He was picked on everyday. Called names and shoved into the fricking lockers. And the teachers and principals never did anything about it. He went to them, telling them what happened and who did it." April paused for a second.

"They didn't do shit about it. They left it alone. They left Landon alone. He was helpless. Nobody helped him. And if you ever wonder where you went wrong as a parent I'll tell you right now. You went wrong the second you put your own damn son in a hospital" April hung up the phone and slightly slammed her phone on the counter.

She was breathing hard. She was angry at her mother. She called her just to say that. It was horrible.

April walked back into the living room. "You okay?" Caleb asked. "No. I'm not. I'm gonna go out for a bit. I need to calm down and I just need a little break. Um, you guys stay here. Talk and catch up about the past few months. Just spend time together. I'll be back later" She said.

"Okay, be safe" Caleb said. April walked back into the kitchen and grabbed her phone. She went to the door and slid on her shoes. She walked out the door and went to her car.

She unlocked her phone and called Willy. "Hello?" He said. "Hey Willy I was wondering if I can join you wherever you are. I kinda need someone to talk to or just help get my mind off of things right now" She said.

"Of course you can join me. I'm at Mitch's apartment. Do you remember how to get here?" He asked. "Yeah I do. I'll see you in a bit" She said. "Okay I'll meet you outside bye" She ended the call and drove off.

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