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Saturday rolled around and it was 11 o'clock. She put her bag and Landon's bag by the door. He just got back from his little therapy session that he goes to once a week.

He walked in the door with confusion written all over his face. April was standing next to the bags smiling.

"Why is my bag packed?" He asked. "I'm taking you to Toronto with me" She said. "No way you've got to be joking" He said. "I packed your bag and the Uber should be here any minute" She said. "Oh my god" He whispered.

"Come On we gotta go. The Uber is here!" She grabbed his hand and dragged him out of the room. "Thank you so much for arranging this April!" He said. "No problem. I wanted to do something special for your birthday" She said.

"This is truly amazing. You are the best sister ever!" He said. They pulled up at the airport and got out of the car and grabbed their bags. They headed inside and checked the bags in. Then they headed towards security.

Once they we're done with that they headed to get some food before they started boarding. "McDonald's?" She asked smiling. "Yes!" He said smiling back.

Every time they were aloud to go outside of the hospital they always went to McDonald's. It like a tradition.

They always got so excited. But who wouldn't it's McDonald's. They both loved getting the chicken nuggets. According to them it was the best thing in the world.

After they got their food they ate and headed to get drinks and gum for the plane ride. They went to their gate and within minutes they started boarding.

It was finally time for April to take him home. To a place that he felt welcome and he could consider his home.

The plane ride wasn't that bad. A few bumps here and there but other than that it was fine. They got off the plane and gathered their bags. They headed to the apartment.

"Just to clarify you live with Caleb and William Nylander right?" He asked. "Yeah and you'll be staying with me in my room" She said. "Sounds good" he said.

"Are you nervous bud?" She asked. "Yeah" He said. "Why? There's nothing to be nervous about" She said.

"But there is. I mean I haven't seen Caleb in a long time and I don't know what he's gonna think of me. Who knows maybe he thinks I'm crazy but won't say anything about it. And what about his teammates huh? Do they know about me? Are they gonna call me crazy like everyone else?" He said.

"Woah buddy calm down. Caleb will never ever think you are crazy. He loves you so much and the minute I told him I was bringing to here he was so happy. And his teammates know that Caleb has a little brother but they don't know about everything. And even if they did hey wouldn't think differently about you. You are an amazing person ok? Don't you ever think different about yourself. We all love you" She said.

"Thanks. I tend to overthink things nowadays. I just want everything to be okay" He said. "It will be okay" She pulled into the parking lot and turned the car off.

They got out of the car and grabbed the bags from the trunk. She looked at him and said "you ready?" He sighed and said "I guess" she smiled at him. "Let's go I'm sure he's been waiting for you" She said.

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