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April locked her car and walked over to William. "Hey" She said. "Hey, let's go inside" He said. They walked to the elevator and went up to the fifth floor. They stepped out and went down the hall to Mitch's apartment.

Willy opened the door and they walked in. He locked the door and grabbed April's hand. They walked into the living room where Mitch, Auston, and Kasperi were sitting on the couch.

"Hey guys" April said. They all said hey back and continued playing fortnite. "Do you need to talk about what happened?" Willy asked. "Yeah if that's good with you" She said. "Of course. Let's go in the kitchen and talk" He said.

"So what happened?" Willy asked. "Laura called me" April said. "Oh god. Phone calls with her never go good" He said. "Yeah they never ever do" She said. "What did she say?" He asked.

"She found out that I took Landon out of the hospital and brought him here. She went on to say that he was crazy and that he belongs in the hospital since it's for crazy people" She said.

"She's so horrible. How does she say that about her own kid?" Willy said. "I have no idea. But I went off on her. I was really angry. I said a bunch of things and I just can't deal with her anymore" April said.

"I'm so sorry you have to deal with her. I don't know what I would do if Laura was my mother" Willy said. "She's the worst. I don't even call her my mother anymore. I only call her Laura" April giggled.

"Hug it out?" Willy asked. "Of course" April said. Willy pulled her in for a hug and they held each other for a few seconds then they pulled away. They walked back into the living room and sat down next to the boys.

Auston and Kasperi were seated next to each other, Kasperi on the end of the couch. Then Mitch was next to Auston and the rest of the couch was open. April went over and sat next to Mitch. It was Auston and Kasperi playing fortnite together and Mitch was just watching.

"Thank you for letting me come over" She told Mitch. "It's fine, you are welcome anytime" He said. "I just needed to get out of the apartment" She said. "Any particular reason?" He asked her. "Yeah I had a phone call from Laura, my mother, and I'm not on the best terms with her and she just really pissed me off" She told him.

"That must suck" He said. "Yeah it does. Also I wanted to give Caleb some time alone with our younger brother" She said. "His name is Landon right?" He said and she nodded. "I remember Caleb was telling me something the other day about Landon coming to town" He said.

"Yeah I actually flew out to Chicago and stayed for two nights and I brought him here today" She said. "That's nice. I'm guessing it's not easy having him live so far away" He said. "It's not easy. It's hard for me and Caleb since we all had such a tight relationship with each other and we would always hang out and do stuff together. Then Caleb moved out here and I soon followed him and Landon was left all alone in Chicago" She said.

April and Mitch talked for the rest of the night. They got to know each other and were surprised that they hadn't talked much before. Mitch knew everything now. April opened up to him about her life back in Chicago with her parents and Landon.

While they were talking Kasperi and Willy went home. Auston was spending the night in the guest room so he went in there after they boys left. They weren't checking the time at all and turned on a movie. April had fallen asleep at some point during the movie.

Mitch decided to take April and put her in his room. He picked her up and carried her to the bedroom. He placed her under the covers and turned off the light and shut the door. He went back to the couch. He had a blanket and a pillow and went to sleep.

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