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Later that night after the incident the maple leafs had a game. Caleb got me and Landon tickets for the game. I put on her Marner jersey on and gave Landon an Auston Matthews jersey. Landon was so excited because he was probably gonna be able to meet some of the boys.

We headed to the arena and Landon hooked up to the Bluetooth. We sang the songs that Landon played and arrived at the arena. We headed to their seats and the boys came out for warm-ups. The seats were behind the leafs bench and Caleb had waved to us but only Landon waved back.

I was still mad about the incident that occurred this morning. I wasn't mad at Caleb from wanting to protect me. What made me mad was that he couldn't trust me to just be around some of his teammates and just to be friends with them.

He is doing what any other brother would do for their sister but sometimes it's a little much for me. I was eventually going to forgive him but I think I just need some time to process the whole thing.

Mitch saw me and Landon while he was at the bench and he came up to the glass. He stood right in front of us and he waved to both of us. Landon was smiling and he was so happy. And it made me happy to see my little brother happy. I wish he could stay here forever but not yet. I had plans for the future. I just had to sort some things out.

The game went well and the maple leafs won 4-2. We headed down towards the lockers and waited for the boys to come out.

Eventually Caleb and William came out with Mitch and Auston. Landon looked at me with one of those 'is this real' looks. I smiled at him and put my arm around his shoulder.

They boys approached us. "I would like you guys to meet my younger brother Landon, Landon meet Mitch and Auston" I introduced them. They started talking amongst themselves as we made our way out of the arena. I walked next to Caleb and we were both silent.

"Are you still mad at me?" Caleb asked me and we stepped outside. "A little. It's just you have to understand that you can trust me and you don't need to protect me all the time" I said.

"I'm sorry. I really am. I didn't know how you felt and I really don't want to see you get hurt. I should be able to trust you and I do but seeing you get hurt is the last thing I want" He told me. "It's fine that you're trying to protect me but you have to let me live a little. And even if I did end up with a teammate would it really be that bad?" I asked.

"No it wouldn't. So, as hard as it is for me to say this uh, if you want to date one of my teammate then go for it. I won't stop you" He said. "You really mean that?" I said. "Yeah I do. Who is Landon riding with?" He asked. "I don't know I'll ask him"

I walked over to Landon and the boys. "Hey" I said. "So Caleb wants to know who you are riding with. Me or him?" I asked Landon. "I'll go with him" He told me. "Okay well you better get going" I told him and he ran over to Caleb's car. "I'll go get in the car" Auston said and left. "Hey" Mitch said. "Hi"

"So I got a question for you" He said. "Go for it" I said. "I was wondering if you would like to go on a date soemtime?" He asked and scratched the back of his neck. I smiled at him and replied, "I would love to go on a date with you"

"Oh my god. This is great! Does Thursday work for you?" He asked. "Yeah it does" I said. "Alright, I'll text you later" He said. "Okay. Bye Mitch" I walked to my car and drove home.

Authors Note
I am very sorry for not updating this. Ive been focusing more on my other books but I'll have the next chapter up in a few days

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