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April walked out of the airport and got a taxi. She told him where to go and they drove off. It was finally time for April to surprise Landon. He still has no idea.

The car stopped outside of the hospital and she stepped out of the car. The taxi driver handed April her bag after he got it out of the trunk.

She walked through the doors and went to the front desk. The lady told her where to go and she went up to his room. She looked through the small window and saw him sitting at a desk drawing something. She took a deep breath and opened the door.

Landon looked up from his drawing and his jaw dropped. "Surprise!" April said. He stood from the chair and ran over to her. They held each other for a minute and pulled away.

"I can't believe you're actually here! How long are you staying?" He said. "I'm staying for a few days since your birthday is coming up" She said. "Why isn't Caleb here?" He asked. "You know he's got hockey and he's really busy but I'm sure he'd love to be here" She said. "Yeah but I just haven't seen him or talked to him in a long time" He said. "I bet you he'll call in a few days" She said. "I hope so" He said.

"I do have an amazing surprise for you and I know you're gonna love it but it's gonna have to wait until your birthday" She said. "What! You can't do that now i'm gonna have to wait until my birthday to find out what the surprise is. You suck!" He said.

"Oh come on, I don't suck. I came out here to see you and I know you love me I mean who doesn't love me" She said. "You haven't changed at all. You're still cocky and full of yourself" He laughed. "Excuse me?" She said. "You're excused" He said. They both laughed and pushed each other lightly.

"So am I able to meet this Nathan kid?" She questioned. "I think so but only if he wants to and the nurses allow it" He said. "So why don't we go figure it out ok?" She said. "Alright then let's go" He said.

April met Nathan and they got to know each other. Landon and Nathan went on about stories and things they've done together since they met.

They've pulled a few pranks on the nurses and they seem to enjoy each others company. They hung out in the game room and messed around even though they aren't little kids anymore.

April had the flight ready for Saturday and was really excited to finally be taking Landon with her. She was going to show him her home.

She has waited for this moment for at least 7 months. Somehow she's managed to get through those 7 months by visiting Landon once every 2 months and the constant messages and calls.

She's not sure how she did it but she's glad that Landon has made progress.

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