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A couple weeks later everything was going great. April and Mitch were very happy in their relationship. Caleb was happy for his sister and was happy to talk to his brother a couple times a week. Anthony had a conversation with Caleb a little bit after he talked with April. April and Caleb had talked to each other about it and they both forgave their father.

April and Anthony even had a conversation about Landon. In the end Anthony told her that he would give up his parental rights. April was happy and sad at the same time. Anthony was gonna sign away his parental rights but April was going to get full custody of Landon. April still had to break the news to Landon so she planned on flying out to Chicago to surprise him with the news. She flys out early tomorrow morning and can't wait to break the news.

April entered Landon's room and sees that he's alone. "Hey bud" April startles him. "You're here!" Landon screams. He jumped up from his seat and runs over to April. "I've got some amazing news for you" April smiles down at him. "What is it?" He asked. They walked over to his bed and sat down. "I've talked with dad. Caleb and I have both forgiven him" She started off. "Wait really? I thought that you weren't on speaking terms" Landon said confused. "He came to Toronto and we both spoke with him. He was gonna come see you but I had suggested that wasn't the best idea since everything has been a mess. If you are up for it you can see him but only if you want. I don't want to force you into meeting with him" April told him. "Um I'd have to think about it" Landon said. April nodded.

"Anyway, we came to an agreement. He his going to sign away his parental rights and then I will get full custody of you and I'll be your legal guardian" April smiled. "Oh my god really?! I could go live with you guys and everything will be perfect!" Landon crushed April in a hug. They fell back on the bed laughing. Landon released April. "What's gonna happen? When will this happen?" Landon asked. "Within the next week or two and then you'll be evaluated once more here just so they can sign you off. they've got to sign you off as being able to leave this hospital. once that's done we'll be off to toronto" April explained with a grin on her face.

Landon sighed out of pure happiness. "I can't even begin to tell you how happy I am" His bottom lip trembled as he spoke. "Oh Landon, come here" April engulfed him in another hug. "This is such a wonderful thing. Caleb and I are so incredibly happy that you'll be with us in a few weeks. In fact all the maple leafs are happy to have you come and cheer at a majority of the games" She rubbed his back soothingly. "Thank you so much for this. This means the world to me" Landon breathed out.

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