twenty three

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The maple leafs won 3-2. April and the boys were waiting in the hallways outside of the locker rooms. Twenty minutes had passed and the boys were just starting to come out of the locker rooms since they had to talk with the media. Morgan was the first one out of the locker room. "Hey April, hey landon" Morgan greeted them. "Hey Mo, this is my boy Nathan. He'll be coming to live in Toronto with me in a few days" April told him. "That's great. Nice to meet you Nathan" Morgan said. "Yeah, nice to meet you to Morgan" Nathan smiled a little.

Nazem stepped out of the locker room next. "Hey Mo" Nazem said. "I'll see you guys in a few days i guess. Bye" Morgan said. Morgan and Nazem walked away and a familiar face came into April's view. "Jackson?" April asked shocked to see him down by the locker rooms. "Oh, hey April. Didn't expect to see you down here" Jackson said with his eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "I'm the younger sister of Caleb West and Mitch Marner's girlfriend" She explained to him smiling at the mention of Mitch. "I see it now. I don't get how I didn't see it before. You guys could almost be twins"

"This is my other brother Landon and this is Nathan" April introduced them. "Were you the guy that spilled the beer on her?" Nathan asked. Jackson smiled sheepishly and nodded. The boys laughed at Jackson's embarrassment. "Anyway, what are you doing down here?" April asked. "I'm good friend with John Hayden and he told me to meet him down here after the game but I must have gotten lost if I ended up in front of the Maple Leafs locker room" He laughed shaking his head.

"Isn't their locker room just on the other side of the rink?" Landon asked. "Oops. I really don't know where I'm going. Rough night for me. First I spill my drink on you and now I've come to the wrong locker room" Jackson said. April laughed and shook her head at Jackson. "I'm sure you could just text John to meet you over here so you don't get lost again" April said smiling. "Good idea" Jackson said and he stepped to the other side of the hall and pulled out his phone.

Not noticing the boys come out of the locker room she jumped out of surprise when Caleb said hey. She turned around with her eyes wide. Willy and Kasperi were talking with Landon and Nathan. Caleb, Mitch, and Auston stood in front of her. "God you scared me. I didn't even see you come out of the locker room" She said. "Maybe you were just too busy talking to lover boy to notice" Mitch mumbled but Auston was able to hear him and laughed at his best friend. "You jealous?" Auston teased. "No" Mitch grumbled. "Yes you are. You're jealous your girlfriend was talking with some lover boy and was too distracted by him to realize that you were in front of her" Auston continued to tease Mitch.

Mitch rolled his eyes in annoyance. "Who even is that guy? And why the hell was April not wearing my jersey?" He huffed in annoyance. "Yep, definitely jealous. It has been confirmed" Auston declared. Mitch shot him a glare. Mitch stepped up and interrupted April and Caleb's conversation. "Could we get going?" Mitch asked. "Sure let me just say goodbye to Jackson" April smiled at Mitch. Mitch forced a smile back as he knew the guys name.

April walked in front of Jackson who put his phone away. "Hey" He smiled. "Hey, I've got to get going. Is John coming to get you?" She asked. "Yeah he's coming now. Before you go is there any chance I could get your number and we can stay in touch?" Jackson asked, hopeful. "Sure, as long as you promise not to spill anymore beers on me" She joked smiling. "Promise" He laughed and pulled out his phone.

Once April's number was in Jackson's phone John walked up to them. "Hey Jack" John greeted. "Hey sorry about this whole thing. I had no idea where I was going" Jackson told him. "Nah it's fine" John said. He turned his attention toward April. "Who's this?" He asked. "I'm April West" She introduced herself and held out her hand for him to shake. He took her hand and said, "I'm John. nice to meet you April"

"I've got to get going. Bye Jackson, bye John. It was nice meeting you both" She smiled at them before she turned on her heels and walked towards Mitch who had an annoyed expression on his face. She frowned at him. "What's wrong?" She asked reaching out to hold his hand. He gripped her hand and started pulling her towards the exit. "I don't like seeing you with him" He mumbled. "Are you jealous? Is the Mitch Marner jealous?" She fake gasped. "I'm not jealous. I just wish we had more time together because I feel like I never see you anymore" He frowned. "I promise when we get back home we'll have lot and lots of time together. After all we are moving in together right?" She smiled and squeezed his hand. "You're right. And I can't wait" He smiled moving in and kissed her softly on the lips.

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