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It was about 2 o'clock when April was done with her two classes. She already had lunch and walked back to the apartment. She unlocked the door and heard a bunch of voices from inside. She took a guess that the boys invited teammates over.

April opened the door and slid her shoes off. Then she made her way into the living room where she saw a group of boys. Caleb was the one to see her as soon as she walked in the room.

"Hey April" Caleb greeted me. "Hey Caleb" She said as she walked over to him. He stood up from the couch and came to hug her.

This was a normal thing for him to do. Everyday that April came home for school or anywhere he would give her a hug. It was just a thing that he did.

"Hi guys" April said to the boys. The boys said hello back and continued with their conversations. "I have to go study. I have a major test at the end of the week and I need to be ready" April explained to Caleb.

"Yeah that's fine and you can join us whenever if you want. I'm sure they want to spend time with you" He told her. "Okay see you in a bit" She replied and walked to her room.

April pulled out her books and notes from class. She already wanted to give up. She always got so stressed out when it comes to testing. She doesn't even have a friend to study with. In fact she doesn't have many friends.

It sounds sad but back in Chicago April had this really good friend but she went away for college and basically forgot about her.

April had to stay back for community college. She does miss her but she can't even remember what college she goes to.

She stopped studying at about 4 o'clock. She walked out of her room and headed towards the boys. Willy waved her over to come sit next to him.

She sat down next to him and he wrapped his arm around her. She smiled and rolled her eyes.

Willy had this thing where he did stupid things like this. He liked to piss off Caleb and the perfect way to do was to make a move on April. She knew what he was doing and played along with it. She also enjoyed pissing her brother off.

When April originally came to Toronto Caleb told all the boys that she was off limits and he told April that the boys were off limits.

That was his rule. Willy and April clearly wanted to break that rule just to piss him off.

"Will get your hands off my sister and April stop letting him do that!" Caleb exclaimed. April giggled at her brothers words and leaned into Willy. Willy rested his head against Aprils.

Mitch watched from across the room and he was jealous. He was always jealous whenever they did this.

If anything Mitch wanted to be the one with his arm wrapped around April. Ever since her met her she's all he thinks about. He fell hard for her and can't seem to stop the feelings.

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