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"It was really nice to meet you and spend time with you" Mitch told Landon. "I had so much fun with all of you guys. Thank you for making this trip the best" Landon said. "I'll have to facetime you when you get back to Chicago" Auston said.

"If you did that I think it would make my day" Landon laughed. "Then I'll definitely make sure to do that" Auston smiled.

"I can't wait to tell Nathan about this. He's gonna be so jealous that I got to meet all of you guys" Landon said. "Remember when I told him that I knew all of these guys and Nathan was like what?! You guys have to take me to Toronto with you in the future" I laughed at the memory.

"Would you be able to take him? Because of his condition and all that" Landon questioned. "I would definitely have to discuss it with the hospital and his foster care" I told him. He nodded his head.

"We better get going. Wouldn't want him to miss his flight" Caleb said and grabbed his car keys.

"I'll see you next time you come out" William said and gave him a fist bump. "I'll make sure to FaceTime you. Just shoot me a text and I'll call ya" Auston said and pulled him in for a hug.

"Now you! You better treat my sister right or I will hunt you down!" Landon pointed at Mitch and he put his hands up defensively. We all laughed and Mitch gave Landon a hug. "I'll miss you. You better text me!" Mitch smiled. Landon nodded and said "I will"

We headed out the door and got in the car. All the boys were standing on the sidewalk. Caleb pulled away and started driving. Landon waved from the backseats and the guys waved back.

"I'm gonna miss you so much" I whispered. "I'll miss you a lot too" Landon said. "Take cafe in Chicago. I'll have to come see you sometime soon" Caleb told him. Landon nodded his head. "I'll make sure to contact you guys every day" Landon told us. "That would be great kiddo" Caleb said.

A lady that worked with the airport came towards us. "I'm here to guide Landon to his flight" She announced. Landon gave both of us hugs and walked off with the lady.

He looked back at us for a second and gave us a sad smile. Caleb waved at him and I smiled slightly.

"And he's gonna again" I said sadly. "He'll be back. I know he will" Caleb pulled me in for a hug. "I sure hope so" I whispered.

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