twenty two

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After the tickets were scanned they headed to their section. They walked down to the first row at the United Center and sat down in the seats next to the Maple Leafs bench. Landon and Nathan couldn't hold in their excitement as they both squealed loudly. The teams were out for warm ups."Hey look Auston is hitting Mitch with his stick" Landon laughed. April turned her attention to the boys on the ice and smiled as she watched Auston and Mitch. Auston caught her eye and waved at her and hit Mitch with his stick once more. April shook her head at the boys. 

The teams went back into the locker room before the game started while they did the ice. "You boys want some food?" She asked. "Oh yeah I'm starving"

They told her what they wanted and she headed to the concession stands. She had gathered their food and was heading back to the seats when someone crashed into her. April gasped as she felt the man's drink spill all over her and the food slipped out of her hands and onto the ground.  "I am so sorry! I'm such an idiot and I wasn't watching where I was going" the man started apologizing. 

"Fuck" she cussed under her breath. "I can buy you new food? Shit. I'm so sorry I'm such a fucking idiot" the man said. "No it's fine. Its fine. Just leave it alone" April said as she bent down to collect the ruined food. She threw it out in the garage to her right. "Are you sure I can't do anything? I don't mind buying the food for you since I ruined yours and I know that shits expensive" the man suggested. She took a deep breath. Reluctantly she nodded her head. "That would be helpful if you could"

"I'm Jackson by the way" he said. "April" she gave him a small smile. Once she told him what food to get she walked to the bathroom to get cleaned up since she still had beer all over her clothes. She stood in front of the mirror and decided to just take off the jersey. She washed her hands to get rid of the stickiness. She grabbed paper towel and tried to dry off her pants but that was not help. She sighed as she gave up and she gripped the jersey in her hand and went back to find Jackson. 

Once she found him he was just lying for the food. He smiled when she approached him. He handed the food to her. "Here's the food. Again I am so incredibly sorry" Jackson apologized. "It's okay. Accidents happen. Thank you for buying the food again for me" she said. "You're welcome" he smiled. Fans started cheering signaling first period was to start any minute. "I should get back to my seat" she said. "Alright. Again I'm very sorry" Jackson said. "It's okay. Thank you for the food. Bye Jackson" she smiled and turned around walking back to the seats. 

She made it just in time for the puck drop. She sighed in relief. She made it to the boys and handed them their food.

"Sorry that took so long" she apologized. "What happened to you?" Landon asked taking in her appearance. They notice the jersey in her hand. "Let's just say there was a little accident with this guy" she sighed. "What? Who?" Landon asked. "What's wrong with the jersey?" Nathan asked. "I had gotten the food and I was walking back to our section when this man, Jackson, bumped into me and the food went on the floor and his beer went all over my clothes. He paid for the new food since he felt really bad" April explained. "Is the jersey ruined? And are your clothes soaked in beer?" Nathan asked. She nodded her head. "Kinda sucks when you're wearing a white jersey and you get beer on it"

They smiled apologetically at her. "This night was supposed to be fun and now this happened" she sighed in frustration. "Hey, the night isn't ruined. We're all here together. We can still enjoy the game" Landon said. She smiled at them. "Thanks guys"

Sad day today. One of my brothers played his last hockey game ever. I've gone to almost every game and it's so hard knowing he won't ever play another game. I cried for a solid half hour :(

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