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April got in her car and drove off to get Landon a gift. His birthday was coming up soon. She was going to surprise him.

She was planning on flying out to Chicago a few days before his birthday and she was going to take him away from the hospital for a week. He was going to stay with them in April's room.

She couldn't wait because she misses him so much. She hasn't talked to him in about two weeks. She's been busy with school and hockey.

Laura called her two weeks ago and what she said still makes April so angry. April got so pissed when she said that Landon was 'fucking psycho' and that he was a disgrace to the family. April questioned how a mother could say that about her own son.

April ended up getting Landon a new goalie stick and a bunch of new shirts that have Maple Leafs logos and of course Bruins logos. His favorite team has always been the Bruins. He always looked up to Tuukka Rask as a goalie. There was just something about that team that made him so drawn to it.

April personally always loved the Blackhawks since they grew up in Chicago but she started to have a liking towards the Maple Leafs.

Caleb hasn't always loved the Maple leafs either. His number one team as a kid was the Red Wings. She remembers how he would always be wearing a Red Wings hoodie, shirt, or a hat.

When April was done getting everything for Landon she got in her car and drove home. She walked into the apartment and noticed that Caleb was the only one home.

He was sitting on the couch playing Fortnite. She took a seat next to him after they both said hello. She pulled out her phone and played a game until Caleb was done playing.

"So I have something to tell you" She started off. "What is it?" He asked. "I'm going to Chicago in about a week and I'm going to be there for a few days. I'm surprising Landon and then I'm going to bring him here" She said.

"Wait, Landon's coming to Toronto?" He said. "Yeah the hospital is allowing it. He will stay with us for a week and he'll stay with me in my room" She said.

"Oh my god. I'm so excited that he's coming here. I haven't seen him for a long time and I'm just happy that he's staying for a week" He said. "Yeah i'm really excited for this too" She said. "This is gonna be great" He said smiling.

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