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There's not much to know about April West. She's 20 years old and goes to the University of Toronto. She is the sister of Caleb West who plays for the Maple Leafs. She is the middle child of the family.

Caleb is the oldest he recently turned 22. She has a younger brother named Landon, who is 15 years old.

Caleb and April aren't on the best terms with their parents. After what happened last year they haven't really talked with them. But they do talk with Landon frequently.

Landon started to get the help that he needs. Laura arranged for him to go live in a hospital for people with mental illnesses. That's his 'home' now. He told April it's boring in there and that he's lonely.

Well, he always feels alone but he met this boy there and they became good friends. Their rooms are next to each other so they spend time together often.

Landon told April his name is Nathan and he's the same age as him. She's happy he has someone their as his friend. But sometimes she just wishes she was there for him.

Her parents rarely even visit him. Maybe once a month they stop by to say hello. But it's ridiculous. He is their son and they treat him like he doesn't exist.

April is hoping that she will be able to get him out of the hospital and have him come live here in Toronto. Caleb wants that too.

The three kids have been very close. They would always spend time together. Caleb just wants his little brother back with him and he wants his little sister to be happy again.

Moving to Toronto was one of the best decisions that April made. She was so much happier here than when she was in Chicago.

She did love Chicago but being with her parents and being in that house with them was too much for her. She couldn't handle it anymore.

When she made the decision final she had to tell Landon. That was the part she was dreading. She didn't know how he was going to react. She arrived at the hospital he was staying at and went up to his room. She eased into the conversation even though she was extremely nervous.

She was relieved to know that Landon wasn't upset with her decision but he was happy for her. He wanted her to go and make whatever decision she needed to make to be happy again. And after she moved she had called him almost everyday and she would occasionally facetime him.

Landon could tell by the way she talked about Toronto and he saw how her face lit up. He was happy that she was happy.

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