twenty six

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April left the other and never returned to the apartment. She hadn't contacted anyone and ended up shutting her phone off completely. 

Back at Mitch's apartment, the boys were worried and Mitch called over Auston and William. They arrived within minutes and were trying to come up with the places April could be. Landon and Nathan were to just stay at the apartment in case she came back because they wouldn't be much of a help because they didn't know the city that well. Mitch was going to look at some of the places they had dates and places they had been to before. Auston was going to check at the campus along with Caleb. And William was almost positive he knew where she would have run off too. 

From the time April arrived in Toronto, William and her had grown pretty close. They used to hang out a lot and do a bunch of stuff together. William recalls the one time she told him about the place she liked to run off to when she needed to breath of think for a second. It was a small park just outside of Toronto. It had a small bridge to cross over this small stream and there were at least three park benches. 

For April it was a calm place. A place that could provide you some sort of comfort in a time of distress. 

William got in his car and drove off to the small park just outside of the city. He parked his car on the side street and headed towards the bridge. As he crossed it he saw an outline of a figure sitting on the bench to the left of the bridge. Inching closer he knew it was April. 

"April" He called out. She made no move and he continued walking towards her. 

Right as he approached the bench she turned around. Her eyes were puffy and red. An obvious sign of the crying she did when she left the apartment the other night. "Oh April," He sighed as he sat next to her and pulled her body to his. 

The warmth from his body comforted her and a few stray tears managed to roll down her cheeks. "I'm sorry for running away" She apologized with her head resting against his chest. 

"No need to apologize. I understand why you ran. I'm here for you now." He spoke to her gently. Slowly her began to unwrap his arms from her. They both leaned back into the bench. 

April leaned her head back and took a deep breath, "I've been asking myself all night why was he so quick to jump to that conclusion? What is it about me that makes me seem untrustworthy? Is it something I did or said? What did I do wrong? Did I do anything wrong? Or is it just Mitch? Is he just not able to let himself fully trust me because of his own fears of something going horribly wrong between us?"

William sat there taking in every word she said. He thought for a moment before deciding to speak up. "Mitch trusts you. He definitely does. And the way he reacted, he was scared. He was scared that he was gonna lose the girl he loves to some other guy who hadn't been around for long. He was scared to lose you."

"The girl he loves?" She asked. "Of course he loves you dummy. He's in love with you" He said shaking his head and standing up from the park bench. She sat there dumbfounded. "Now get your ass up and let's go get your man" He said holding his hand out for her. She placed her hand in his and he dragged her to his car. 

"Is he mad?" April asked once she shut her car door. "I wouldn't say mad. It's more scared and worried" William answered. He took his phone out and sent a text out to the boys telling them all to get back to the apartment.

Once the text was sent, he started the car and they made their way back to the apartment. 

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