Chapter 7

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The seer turned towards the enforcer and smiled without warmth.

"Of course enforcer. I will need two chairs and a glass of water. Lenah will you fetch and prepare the child for me whilst I ready the room?" The woman - Lenah - nodded and headed towards the door only to be stopped by an enforcer blocking her exit.

Ryan swore he saw her eyes flash black as she regarded the man in front of her. In fact, he saw the enforcer swallow nervously as he confronted the small human woman.

"No one may leave this room, the child must be fetched by one of us." This was spoken forcefully by the man who must be the head enforcer. If Ryan had to guess the man would definitely be Fae given his tall height and slightly violet eyes.

The council was made up of a selection of all paranormals chosen specifically by the Goddess herself so it made sense that the enforcers be chosen from across all the races. If he had to guess, the other two enforcers appeared to be a Dwarf and Pixie. Tactfully the council had chosen not send any shifter representatives.

The enforcer seemed annoyed at the lack of discipline his colleague was showing towards the human woman. Even Ryan couldn't understand the flash of fear in the man's eyes as he blocked her from leaving the room.

"I'm afraid that will not work. Lenah is my assistant, she will teach the child to open her mind and soul to me whilst I prepare myself to be receptive to the forces around us. For this, she needs the child to be calm and you and your colleagues will make that impossible. Please move aside so that we can begin." The elderly woman smiled sweetly at the head enforcer waiting for him to comply, clearly both women were more determined than their guests were expecting.

The man looked between the two women and sighed heavily, as if bored with the whole thing, and motioned for Lenah to proceed.

"Very well. Felix allow the woman to pass but follow her to the child's room." Felix gratefully moved from blocking Lenah's path and followed her, at a great distance, from the room. Clearly the man didn't want to be closer to her than he had to, a reaction very at odds to what Ryan would like to do with her.

Ryan couldn't help but notice the way her jeans clung to her bottom as she walked away from him. His wolf howled in appreciation and Ryan dragged his eyes away only to see his Second hiding a smile at his obvious ogling.

Now was not the time to get his head turned by a woman. He needed to keep his focus. Sending one of his men to gather the needed items he concentrated on controlling his mind. To help him focus he watched the seer as she moved around the room.

She placed items seemingly at random around her, muttering various words that meant nothing to Ryan. He watched as she lit candle after candle and placed them in a circle around the two chairs now in the centre of the room. With a final flourish she lit two incense sticks and placed them inside the circle of candles beside the two chairs.

"The incense does nothing you know. I just love the smell of jasmine plus I think it makes things look a little more mystical." The old woman was standing back admiring her handiwork. She could have been talking to anyone but Ryan knew it was to him.

He seemed to be the only one paying any attention to what she was doing. Small intense conversations had broken out once Lenah had left which seemed to take the attention of most of the males in the room.

"And the candles?" He couldn't help but ask, he'd been intrigued watching her work and wondered what everything meant. Perhaps he shouldn't be talking to her but it wasn't like anyone was rushing over to stop them.

The woman turned towards Ryan and smiled warmly at him seemingly pleased that he'd asked her. The smile transformed her face completely, suddenly Ryan could see the striking woman she would have been in her prime.

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