Chapter 28

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"How could you let this happen?" Ryan could hear the venom in Anna's voice as she looked at Elaina. Her eyes continued to dart back to her motionless sister still lying on the bed before glaring back at Elaina.

He'd tried to explain what happened to Lenah in the least distressing way possible but there was no way to downplay what had transpired. The only thing he'd kept from Anna was the fact that he was her sister's mate. Instead he'd let her think that him and Lenah had simply fallen for each other. It wasn't so far from the truth to be unbelievable but it didn't cover the unexplainable pull they had between them.

Throughout Ryan's story Elaina had remained silent, just sat nervously beside Lenah's bed. Her eyes had barely made contact with Anna's since they'd entered the room. There was definitely an energy between the two which he couldn't understand.

He'd realised early on that Anna was in fact Lenah's older sister and that she'd been eleven years old when she was born. And that her name was in fact Akari. He was still trying to wrap his head around calling her that after years of calling her Anna. The only thing he wasn't sure on was how much Lenah knew.

"There was nothing I could do. This was her choice to get involved. All I can do is try to heal her now." Elaina glanced briefly at Anna/Akari before her eyes returned to look at Lenah.

Ryan could see Akari getting angry and Elaina's lack of answer was only fueling her.

"You were supposed to protect her." Akari screamed at Elaina.

Ryan was taken aback by the anger and emotion that was rolling off her but it had no effect on Elaina who barely even looked in her direction.

"My parents left her to you so she would be safe, protected from those who would wish to hurt her." She stopped when Elaina let out a harsh laugh as she finally held her gaze.

He watched as Elaina rose steadily to her feet relying heavily on her stick to support herself.

"You've no right to question me Akari. You have no idea what we've gone through. Safe? I don't think Lenah will ever use that word because of your kind." She snarled at Akari-Anna who stood her ground.

"What are you talking about? She was away from us, she should have been safe." Ryan didn't understand what was happening but he could see the rising alarm in Akari's expression.

He looked at Elaina who had a disgusted look on her face as she regarded at Akari.

"People talk Akari, despite your parents orders. The world fears shadow walkers almost as much as your own kind does. You've no idea the prejudice that she faced or the attacks we endured. And every time we'd pick ourselves up and carry on." This wasn't news to Ryan but it still made him feel hollow inside. Neither Elaina or Lenah talked about the difficulties they'd faced but he'd seen it in their eyes.

"My parents would have never let you take her if they'd known." Now it was Elaina's turn to look at Akari in confusion.

"Of course your parents knew. They warned me of the dangers when I took Lenah. I'm not sure what you've been told Akari but I'm telling you the truth." Elaina suddenly looked tired as she sat back down heavily in her chair.

Akari looked shell shocked as the truth finally settled in her mind. She turned abruptly to her companion who now looked extremely uncomfortable as he stood awkwardly to one side.

"Ajax, you were my parents most trusted guard, yes?"

The man stood up straighter as Akari spoke to him. He nodded his head slightly.

"Yes Princess." Ryan jumped at the title as he looked between everyone in the room but nobody met his eyes, not even Elaina.

"You were there when Lenah was handed over to this woman, correct?"

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