Chapter 43

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Ryan looked over at a sleeping Lenah beside him and felt his heart rest at the sight of her.

After everything they'd seen, they knew they had to tell the pack everything. The meeting had gone on for hours and the constant questions had drained both him and Lenah.

Although they now had more information, it didn't give them more answers. Lenah and Akari were both dumbfounded at how the shadow walker had cast such a powerful spell that would last well over two millennia.

Whilst Lenah had been talking with the pack, Akari and Ajax had been trying to find any spell that could undo the curse that had been placed on the entire werewolf community. Their search yielded no answers. To undo a spell, you first had to know how the original spell was cast, and nobody had any idea how she'd done it.

He was still having trouble processing everything he'd seen. He'd never expected his kind and Lenah's to be so closely linked and yet they had been each other's greatest destruction.

Trying to push the disturbing thoughts away he held his mate closer as she snuggled her head against his chest. It still amazed him how lucky he'd been to find his true mate, especially after everything that had happened between their two species.

It looked like the Goddess had heeded the shadow walker's last words. Perhaps the lack of true mates was a punishment on his kind for turning their back on one?

Suddenly he could hear shouting and banging coming from outside and inside the pack house. He sprung out of bed, causing a sleepy Lenah to lift herself up and look around the room.

"Ryan, what's happening?" Her voice took on more urgency as the sound outside began increasing.

Without answering her, Ryan pulled a pair of trousers from beside him and threw them on over his boxers. He peered out of the curtains to see most of the patrols running off into the woods.

He could hear Luke screaming through the pack link that the borders were being breached. There was no doubt. They were under attack.

Turning he saw Lenah had gathered her own clothes and now stood ready. From her expression it was clear she had guessed what was happening.

"I need to go." She nodded her head solemnly.

"We follow the plan. Keep them away from the pack house. Me and Akari have an idea to get everyone to safety but we will need time, as much as you can give us." Her voice was urgent as they rushed through the pack house.

Ryan didn't know what she and Akari had come up with, but it was hard to ignore the light of hope in her eyes when she talked about it. This could be their only chance of saving everyone.

When they arrived outside, it was absolute chaos. Children were screaming, people were running around or arguing with each other, and it was clear as day that everyone was beyond terrified. They needed to get a handle on this situation before anyone got hurt.

"Silence!" Ryan rarely used his Alpha tone, but this was not the time to hold back.

Silence fell as they felt the power in his voice. They had no choice but to obey. But as he looked around at the scared, pale faces in front of him, his words froze in his throat. Just how many of these people wouldn't survive the night? How many faces would he never see smile again?

As if hearing his own thoughts, Lenah stepped beside him and placed her hand in his. Giving his a gentle squeeze of reassurance.

"Children and elderly inside now! Patrols move out and keep our enemies away from the pack house. Archers I want half of you in those trees and the rest of you positioned at the top of the pack house. Shoot at anything that gets close enough."

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