Chapter 30

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Ryan felt his eyes trying to adjust to his new surroundings as the memory solidified around him. Gone was the light filled study. Instead it was replaced by a poorly lit room filled predominantly with a stage surrounded by chairs and tables.

The smell of smoke and drink overshadowed everything in the place giving the whole room a sleazy feel. This was reinforced when Ryan noticed the pictures of women wearing lingerie plastered all over the walls and the poles attached to the various tables. He had no clue why he suddenly found himself in some type of strip club but he decided to get up and look for Lenah.

He didn't have to wait long as she walked out from behind the curtain, followed by a number of other women. Although Lenah looked the same, he could tell from the way she acted that this was a good few years in her past from the conversation with Alpha Cal in his office. She was wearing tight work out trousers with a long baggy top similar to what the other women were wearing.

Lenah was wiping off the heavy make-up that was plastered to her face and looked at the wipe with obvious disgust. She passed a clean wipe towards another woman who stood by her side.

The woman was a few inches taller than his mate but perhaps just slightly slimmer in build. She had long spindly legs and arms with a small torso. Her long curly red hair cascaded down her back down to her waist. From the proud tilt to her head and her vivid hair, Ryan couldn't help but compare her to one of his nieces favourite princess.

They all jumped off the stage and raced to pick up their bags, in a hurry to be out of the club. He could see Lenah and her friend slowly packing their things together until eventually they were the last ones left.

Ryan noticed the sheen of sweat glistening on both of them as they dragged a towel roughly over their exposed skin.

"Have you found out anything else since you've been here?" Lenah's companion asked her as they quietly sat down at one of the tables.

"Cal traced the drugs here but the distributor is proving difficult to find." Lenah's voice turned hard as she clenched her hands in anger.

Ryan wasn't quite sure what was happening but he felt like Lenah and her companion weren't just here to dance. They were here to find someone.

"What about the girls? You're friends with some of them, can you get them to talk?" Lenah was already shaking her head.

"Most of them are human and have no clue about what's going on. The others that aren't, are either too scared to speak out or don't want to jeopardise their own fixes." Lenah shrugged her shoulders as if she didn't care but Ryan felt the anguish rolling off of her. She felt like she was failing.

"What about Sally? You said she's been here the longest, does she know anything?" Lenah thought about it.

"I feel like she knows something but she's scared, really scared. I don't know what her Alpha is up too but most of the female wolves that work here are downright terrified most of the time. It's like their memories are corrupted, possibly drugs related."

A thoughtful expression crossed the two women's faces.

"Strange that so many of them didn't show up today don't you think?" Ryan didn't need to see Lenah's expression to know she'd been thinking the same thing.

Ryan watched as Lenah stood up, followed by her friend and approached the man at the bar. He was a heavy set man with tattoos across his neck but he smiled warmly at the two girls as they approached.

"Hey girls, nice set. Definitely going to have the punters eating out of your hands with that one." He chuckled to himself as he continued wiping down glasses.

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