Chapter 46

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"Where are we going?" Lenah looked up to see Poppy on top of Ryan's shoulder looking down at her with a curious expression. The little girl's eyes were tired but somehow there was still a spark of life shining out of them.

It was the same spark of hope she'd seen in the eyes of other pack members even as they said goodbye to their loved ones.

Last night, the pack laid to rest the bodies of all those who had fallen. As was tradition, their bodies had been burnt so their souls could rejoin the Goddess in the afterlife. Lenah was grateful to have Ryan by her side as she'd watched Elaina's body being consumed by the fire.

She had kept repeating Elaina's final words back to herself. This was not the end; one day, she would be reunited with Elaina but until that time she knew she had a pack to protect.

Coming back to the present, she noticed others looking at her, some with sympathy and others with their own questions.

"We are heading to a pack that will help us." Most of the pack knew of her friendship with Alpha Callum, but they were still nervous about trusting another pack.

It had taken a lot of convincing to get the pack to walk the long distance towards Cal's pack, the Silverstreak pack, but eventually they'd begun their journey.

Cautiously, they were making their way towards the pack boundaries. For the moment they hadn't come across another person, human or otherwise, and Lenah hoped their luck would continue.

When she'd come up with this escape with her sister, she knew the best place to send the pack, the most isolated stretch of land near Cal's territory, but that was still no guarantee. Considering the number of different packs that had attacked them, it was safe to assume most packs would be a threat to them at this point and needed to be avoided at all costs.

Growls cut through the air as in the distance as the border patrol scented their approach. Ryan tensed beside his mate before slipping Poppy back into the arms of his sister. He needed to be ready to act in case things didn't go to plan.

It wasn't long before more growls echoed through the early morning and Ryan could see many wolves starting to make their way towards his pack.

The pack began to huddle together, his stronger warriors taking up protective stances in front of the small children who coward away from the sounds.

Ryan forced his command through the pack link for no one to shift. The last thing they needed was for the Silverstreak pack to think they were attacking. He could see a lot of his men shaking, desperately trying to resist the natural urge to transform.

A tall man stepped out from behind a tree and regarded their large group with a curious expression. He scratched the back of his head underneath his Stetson as he locked at them.

"Are you aware you are trespassing on Silverstreak pack land?" His words weren't aggressive unlike the snarls of the wolves around him, he simply seemed mystified as to why they were there.

Ryan wanted to drag his mate back as she stepped towards the large man.

"Well obviously we're aware Darius or do you think we're all just standing here for fun?" His mate's sarcastic remark resulted in everyone holding their breath as everyone turned to look at her.

Ryan watched as the man's eyes widened with recognition and relief.

"Thank the Goddess you're okay Lenah." The wolves yipped happily as they all sat on their rumps wagging their tails.

Before Ryan realised it, Darius had enrolled his mate in a large hug. Not being able to hold his wolf back Ryan ripped Lenah from his arms.

"Mine!" Ryan didn't even recognise the growl that left his throat but knew his wolf had partially taken over. He felt Lenah rubbing his arms soothingly and slowly his wolf calmed down.

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