Chapter 49

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Ryan pulled on the cuffs around his wrists, making sure the cufflinks were set before running his hands through his hair. Tonight was the night, after all their planning and dreaming, the full moon was here.

Turning as he heard the door behind him open, he saw his second stroll into the room in his own shirt and trousers. A smirk covered his face as he took in Ryan's frantic eyes.

"How we doing in here then?" His eyes glinting as he teased his friend.

Rather than answer, Ryan turned around to once again check his reflection on the mirror. He wanted everything to be perfect for Lenah.

"Hey dude, what's going on up there?" He felt Luke walk up towards him and tap the back of his head.

Ryan could see his concerned face in the mirror as they both looked at their reflection.

"I just want everything to be perfect for her. She deserves it more than anyone else I know." And that was the truth. Lenah was one of a kind and he wanted to be worthy of her.

"Trust me, everything will be. Do you think there is anyone here who wouldn't bend over backwards for your mate?" Luke chuckled as Ryan's expression cleared.

Ryan wasn't the only one who'd noticed a change in the way the pack had been treating her. She'd shared a loss with the rest of the pack and had stood with them as they'd buried their loved ones. It was enough to break down any remaining walls.

His pack embraced her as their own; in fact, they were proud to have her as their Luna. Over the past three days since he'd asked her to be his, many pack members had made their excitement known to them both. Hell most of the pack had been busy getting things ready for the ceremony which had left him and Lenah with very little to do other than show up at the right time.

There would be a feast with dancing and music to begin and then once the moon rose the ceremony could begin. There they would be joined together under the eyes of the Goddess for the rest of their lives.

"What's it like being mated?" He couldn't help but laugh at the large smile that graced his friend's face.

"It's like nothing you've ever experienced. I know I've only known him a few days, but it's like he's been a part of me forever." The expression in his friend's face made him ache to have Lenah with him.

"Well, it's not like you two waited long is it?" He chuckled as he noticed a tinge of pink creep into his friend's cheek.

"Why would I? Have you seen my mate? He's hot." Luke pretended to fan his face, his eyes twinkling with mischief.

Ryan bumped his shoulder with his friend's making them both laugh.

"Seriously though dude, it's the best feeling in the world. It's like you finally feel whole." Luke's face looked on in wonder as he tried to explain but what he felt for his mate was indescribable. He'd never felt so much love for one person and so instantly. It was like love at first sight but on steroids.

Looking down at his watch, he noticed the time. He had to have Ryan outside in ten minutes or Sally and Ashley would have his hide.

"Come on! You've got a whole party to meet before we can start the food." Luke felt his mouth water at the prospect of what they had on offer at the feast.

He chuckled as Ryan groaned into his hand. He could understand his friend's reluctance at meeting more people tied to his mate.

Lenah's closest friends had turned up yesterday. A rag tag team of unique people. They'd instantly fallen on to Lenah as though they'd only seen her a few days ago. The connection between them was plain to see as they bickered and laughed together. Ryan was glad to see his mate smiling even if it meant giving up his time with her.

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