Chapter 60

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Lenah pulled on her heavy duty boots and zipped them up all the way to her knee. She looked out of the window seeing the last of the sun's rays disappear behind the horizon.

Breathing deeply, she turned away from the room she had made love to her mate in only hours before. Switching off the light before she closed the door quietly. Closing away the memories they had shared not just in the room but in this whole place.

She rubbed at her stomach absentmindedly both relieved and saddened not to feel the spark of life beneath her fingers. She was disappointed not to be carrying Ryan's pup but also relieved. There was no way they could raise their child with so much darkness looming over them.

Her heart was heavy as she pulled away from the door. Away from the life she had come so close to having.

Others joined her as she left the pack house. The females accompanying her were dressed in a similar fashion. Leather trousers which were durable and comfy, and long-sleeved, black t-shirts that had hidden padding across the front and back.

It wasn't enough to protect them from a werewolf attack but it would stop a direct swipe to their heart. The men wore no such protection, already knowing they would fight in their wolf form rather than in their human one.

The pack house was eerily quiet as they left through the main doors to join the small army already assembled right in front of the house. Some looked at her with weak smiles that she tried to return but her face felt numb.

As she made her way through the crowd, she tried not to look at the faces of her friends and family. She didn't want to think about those who she may never see again.

"Lenah." She turned, surprised to see her brother striding towards her with his palace guards a few paces behind him. She was used to seeing her brother either in his casual clothes or in his royal robes but he wore neither today. Instead he wore the same armour as his guards and had two long curved swords strapped to his back.

"Emyr, I didn't think you where coming today." Before she could react, her brother wrapped his arms around her and drew her in to a hug.

"I may not be able to go in to battle with you, but I can make sure you get there safely." Lenah pulled away and looked up at him.

"Have you spoken to Akari yet?" Weariness entered her brother's eyes.

"I didn't think she'd speak with me." It was clear their sister's distance had hurt him.

"She loves you Emyr, you know that. Go speak to her. I have a feeling she'll be more understanding this morning." All around them were heartfelt words being exchanged, and she knew Akari wouldn't want to head into battle without reconciling with their brother.

He nodded his head and left to search for her. She expected his guards to follow him but only one broke away and followed a distance behind him. The rest remained a few feet from her, looking at her.

Their eyes roamed over her in an assessing manner. Taking in her obvious armour, her black eyes and the markings swirling across her face.

There was some fear in their eyes but she was pleased to see there was also curiosity. She waited for them to state their purpose unsure why they had stayed with her and not accompanied her brother.

"Princess Lenah?" She snorted at the guard's words.

Only Maalik could call her princess, otherwise the title didn't suit her. She preferred her title of Luna.

"Please, just Lenah is fine." Surprise showed on their faces at her obvious rejection of the title.

Perhaps they'd been expecting her to jump for joy at being acknowledged as part of Magjepsur's ruling family but it no longer felt important to her. She had found her place in this world, with the people she loved, and she didn't need recognition from anyone to tell her who she was.

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