Chapter 35

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Ryan jumped down from the porch and ran towards the circle of people with Lenah hot on his heels. His wolf was raging inside his head at the thought of a pup being in danger but he kept control. He needed his human skin for this confrontation.

As he mindlinked his patrol team, he realised that the elder had been caught trying to leave the pack but the cries of the young girl had alerted his wolves. Thank the Goddess that they'd heard her before they managed to cross the boundaries. What was the man thinking? They were surrounded by enemies and he just wanted to walk right into them? He would be killed instantly and so would Izzy.

The crowd parted for him effortlessly and he could finally see elder Michael. He was no longer the elder that Ryan remembered from his youth but a bitter stranger.

His eyes were sunken and wild. He'd lost weight since his time spent in the pack's holding cells and he had dark bruises along his wrists, ankles and around his throat from the silver chains he had to wear at all times. Ryan had no idea how he'd managed to escape all of that but as he saw the girl struggle in his arms, he put the thought to the back of his mind.

Talking in the picture in front of him Ryan couldn't believe how far the man had fallen. He had his claws drawn directly over his granddaughter's throat, holding her so tightly that she could barely move. Her terrified eyes tore at Ryan's heart.

One of his wolves was holding Becca back as she screamed for her sister. But this only fueled her grandfather's anger, causing him to drag his claws closer to the little girl's throat.

Little blood drops formed on her throat and Ryan knew he needed to get the situation under control before things escalated.

Lenah crossed straight to Becca standing between her and elder Michael. Ryan could see her whispering quietly to the woman until she no longer struggled against the hands that held her but leaned into them for support. Tears continued to roll down her face but she pressed her lips together refusing to allow her screams out.

He was thankful for whatever his mate had said to her as elder Michael's eyes settled on him.

"Ahh finally you've graced us with your presence oh mighty Alpha." His smug laugh was drowned out by the outraged howls of the pack. No one disrespected an Alpha like that

Ryan kept his features blank but underneath his wolf was restless to rip this man apart. He'd been lenient with the elder. Instead of death, he'd been incarcerated in the hope he'd repent, but Ryan realised his mistake. A man like him would never repent because of the simple fact that he truly believed he was in the right, no matter how many people he hurt.

"Enough of this Michael. Let the girl go!" Ryan poured his power into his voice which had the surrounding wolves bowing their heads towards him. He was done with using this man's title, he didn't deserve it.

He watched the man's head jerk and his grip on his granddaughter weaken slightly as his command settled over him but it wasn't enough to have the man stepping away.

Surprised by the man's defiance Ryan tried to connect to him through their mindlink but there was nothing. Where he should be able to feel his mind there was just a void of emptiness. Ryan's wolf howled in outrage at the void as he realised what had happened.

Ryan felt shock dance across his face and by the smug look on Michael's face he knew that Ryan had discovered his new secret.

Sniffing the air carefully, Ryan could finally scent the faint aroma of a rogue wolf as his eyes zeroed in on the once elder. He'd denounced his pack. He purposely made himself a rogue. Ryan couldn't help the snarl that rattled through his teeth.

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