Chapter 10

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For the second time that day Ryan ended up in the study with his father, only this time joined by his mother and Elaina. So much had changed since the talk with his father. To Ryan it felt like another lifetime rather than a few hours.

"You say you're not our enemy and yet you're here with the council to judge us." His father all but growled at Elaina who by now had made herself comfy in one of the plushy chairs by the log burner.

His father was pacing back and forth in front of her, agitation written all over his face. He was a striking figure as he glared at the woman lounging in the chair. She however, appeared unmoved by his angry manner, remaining happily smiling at them all.

"And don't get me started on that creature you brought with you. I saw its markings, I know what it is, and I will not allow it under my roof!" Ryan finally saw the smile vanish off Elaina's face as she glared coldly at his father.

"I think you over step your mark Alistair. As I believe it, you are no longer in control here. So by all means huff and puff all you want but as far as I'm concerned Ryan is the one who issues the orders around here, not you."

Ryan watched his father's veins almost pop out of his neck and his claws sharpen.

He had no clue what his father was talking about. What creature had Elaina brought? Lenah?

"Don't get involved with things you know nothing about Elaina!" For the first time that night Ryan realised that his father and Elaina had met before. There was definitely familiarity in the way they were both now glaring at each other.

Elaina laughed sarcastically and rose from her chair swifter than Ryan thought possible for a woman her age.

"Now come on Alistair, I know more than most wouldn't you say, or have you forgotten the favours I've granted you in the past?" The mischievous smile on Elaina's face reminded him so much of Lenah and it truly pushed his father over the edge.

In one bound he was across the room with his claws close to Elaina's face as he screamed at her.

"Quit meddling Elaina! I'm not the one here that needs to explain myself." He towered over Elaina as he raged at her and yet she stood her ground. Ryan couldn't even see a hint of nervousness anywhere in her expression but he was flabbergasted at his father's behaviour.

"Alistair enough." His mother's softly spoken voice had his father instantly backing away from the woman with a sorry expression. He took a few deep breaths and turned his back on Elaina, moving towards the other side of the room to stare out the window.

"Elaina I just need to know, are the children safe with that...girl here?" His mother seemed to stumble over the word girl and looked momentarily towards him before giving Elaina her full attention.

"And what, pray tell Ashley, would make you think they were at risk?" Elaina regarded his mother even more coldly than his father.

Ryan felt like his head was going to explode, what were his parents talking about? Yes, Lenah wasn't human, that was clear, but it didn't make her a threat. She'd risked her own life to protect his pack.

Of course she was dangerous, anyone who had seen her battle alongside his men would know that, but he was convinced she would never be a threat to them.

"Elaina you have to understand I meant no disrespect but we know the stories and I just need to know they're safe with her here. That my granddaughter is safe." Now this was taking things too far. The only reason Poppy was safe with his sister right now was because of Lenah.

Before Elaina could retort, Ryan jumped to his mate's defense.

"It's because of that creature, as Dad puts it, that your daughter and granddaughter got out of that room alive. That little Conner didn't end up with a silver dagger through his stomach or that I didn't end up being ripped apart by that wolf. If you ask me she's more than earned our trust!" His mother had the decency to look a little ashamed but she still wasn't convinced and he could see it. What more could Lenah do to gain their trust?

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