Chapter 63

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Lenah watched as Ryan's eyes closed and his hands slipped away from hers. She placed her one hand on his chest and anguish washed over her when she could no longer feel it rise and fall. The magical sound of his heartbeat had faded away leaving her alone.

Tears leaked from her eyes as she threw herself across his body, ignoring the sounds of people calling out to her. Only Ryan mattered to her now.

"NO!" She cried out, feeling her magic explode out of her in one swift motion.

Morgan watched on in horror at her friend lying on top of her still mate. A wave of Lenah's magic hit her, making her stumble. She watched amazed as wolves began shifting back whilst the shadow wolves scrambled away from Lenah's magic as if burnt by it.

She tried to approach her friend but found she couldn't. Instead she stood uselessly behind her, along with the rest of the wolves. They watched on in sadness as the Luna cried for her Alpha.

Two little children whimpered as they watched their saviour breakdown in front of them. Morgan was pleased to see their father had overcome his injuries as he scooped them up and crushed them to his chest. His own eyes a blanket of misery as he watched the scene in front of him.

There was no fight left in any of them, she felt cold and drained as a man came to stand by her wrapping his arms around her in comfort. She had no idea who he was, but she was sure he didn't belong to Ryan's pack.

Looking around, she saw wolves from different packs comforting each other. They had started tonight as enemies but had realised too late there was an even bigger threat lurking in the shadows.

Lenah clung to Ryan's body, still feeling his blood run across her fingers and his warmth seeping into her. Everything around her had grown quiet, and she realised for the moment no one was fighting. Looking up, she froze at what she saw.

The shadow wolves lingered amongst the trees, watching her but not attacking. Their eyes more alive than she'd ever seen them as they waited but what chilled her was the women surrounding her and Ryan.

She tilted her head around and saw they formed a complete circle her. From the sad but calm looks on the rest of the wolves, obviously she was the only one who could see them.

She could see the black static markings crisscrossing their skin despite the shadows that clung to them. Most wore dresses of brilliant white, but others wore dresses that were darker than the night sky above them. All their black eyes stared at her as she stared back at them, wondering just what she was seeing.

"You must stop her."

"She has tainted us."

"Destroyed what we stand for."

Three women cried out whilst the others only nodded their head silently.

"I can't." Her whispered words were her deepest confession.

Without Ryan she felt powerless and hollow. They had destroyed her reason to live right in front of her eyes. She had lost everything just like the shadow walker had promised.

"You must." Lenah flinched at how close one woman had gotten without her noticing.

Looking up, her eyes locked on to a set of dark eyes so similar to her own. The woman's black hair rippled down her back and her resemblance to Kalilah was striking but her gentle smile set her apart. There was a calmness to her and yet Lenah could feel the raw power she possessed.

"Before there were shadow walkers and day walkers we were just known as walkers." Some of the women nodded their heads in silent agreement. "We are gifts from the Goddess herself. You must find the power within you. Show them what we are and not the monster they fear us to be." She smiled at Lenah but Lenah shook her head confused.

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