Chapter 2

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Ryan carried a giggling Poppy into the kitchen whilst she snapped away on his phone. Poppy was smart enough not to reveal too much to Anna so Ryan wasn't worried about exposure. She knew how to behave when humans were involved. It was one of the first lessons they taught their young, as exposure meant punishment from the council and the council was not to be messed with.

The council had been formed centuries ago with representatives from most of the paranormal species. Their job was simple in words and yet difficult in practice. Their sole purpose was to keep order and avoid exposure. Their methods could prove deadly to those who went against them and they kept order with an iron will. No one was above the council's scrutiny.

Ryan was reluctant to contact them about their current situation despite pressure from some elders. His argument; they were too unpredictable to offer an effective solution. An argument not even the pushy elders could deny.

Poppy's gift was an unknown and would only be proven when she came of age and shifted, but until that point she was like any other human child. Vulnerable and unable to protect herself.

If the council ruled in favour of the other packs, it would leave her defenseless amongst hostile males. Some of which would not wait till she was ready to claim her and then mate with her.

Anger bubbled to the surface as Ryan placed Poppy in her seat in the kitchen and kissed her forehead. No female should be forced into such a position, but the thought of this happening to his young niece was enough for Ryan to see red.

His mother placed a consoling hand on his back and handed him a mug of coffee whilst his father disappeared to get more food. Ryan controlled his anger as he looked at his mother. Her sparkling eyes regarded him as she sipped at her lemon and ginger tea.

Normally, she was never without a smile on her face and flour through her hair but all that was absent now. Instead, a small smile strained her lips and her wild hair was pulled back into a high bun.

Their silent exchange was interrupted when Poppy erupted into a fit of giggles. Instantly, his mother was transfixed on watching her granddaughter. He saw the empty look in her eyes ebb away as a fierce love replaced it.

As his mother went to join Poppy, he walked over to check on the frying pans his father had on the stove. He sipped his coffee, savouring the rich, heady taste and watched as his mother looked at his phone over Poppy's shoulders.

He felt a real smile break over his face as his mother also succumbed to a fit of giggles looking at more photos Anna was no doubt sending. Yet again, he was grateful that he knew her.

She would never know just how thankful he was to her as he watched the final weariness disappear from his mother's face. How could humans be bad when they could produce such happiness?

Smiling to himself, he turned back to the stove and began flipping bacon. He ignored the sting of hot fat when it landed on his hands. By the time he registered the pain, the wound was already healed. Werewolf healing was something he had always taken for granted, but over the last few weeks he realised how precious it was.

He sensed his father enter the room and hoped Poppy would put the phone away. Turning to distract his father before he noticed the phone, he realised it was already too late.

Standing by the door, his father's eyes were glued on his wife and grandchild chuckling. A gentle smile was playing on his face as he walked towards them and kissed his wife on the cheek. Ruffling Poppy's curls, he peered at the phone to see what was going on.

Ryan held his breath as his father's gentle smile turned cold and condescending. He grabbed the phone angrily from Poppy and placed it in his pocket before squatting down so he was on her level.

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