Chapter 25

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Leah pulled her sunglasses down over her eyes, pushing out the strong summer sun as she watched her students take aim.

She'd carefully selected her group from the women she'd spent all week training and a few of Ryan's men who were interested in learning. She watched as arrows flew through the air, most going wide but a few managed to hit the targets she'd set out.

Walking towards her students she called out instructions on how best to angle their bows and to be careful of their stances. She watched intrigued as her least likely student executed a perfect bullseye.

"Hey Nate, nice shot." Everyone stared in disbelief at the 17 year old.

He wheeled his chair around and gave her the biggest grin, holding his hand up for a high five. She slapped his hand and watched him notch another arrow in his bow and take aim.

Everyone watched on in jealousy as his arrow thudded heavily into the target. When he'd asked to join, most of the pack had rolled their eyes but Ryan had nodded his head and asked Lenah if he could tag along. She was more than happy to have the quiet wolf in her class.

From the moment he'd picked up the bow he was a natural, even Lenah was impressed with how quickly he picked up the techniques. Everything she told him, he was able to soak up and replicate. He was by far becoming one of the most capable students she'd ever had the pleasure to teach.

As for the rest of the women she'd left them doing some simple drills with Ryan and his men. They were focusing on building up their strength but she knew they'd finished hours ago.

She was about to wrap up her class when a strong set of arms wrapped around her middle. Perhaps she should have been frightened but the tingles running through her body told her exactly who it was.

"How's the archery lesson going?" He said as he kissed the side of her cheek.

She turned in his arms and pointed towards Nate as he scored a perfect bullseye. Ryan's grin was breathtaking as he walked towards the young wolf.

"Very impressive Nate, bet you could teach some of the warriors a trick or two with that thing." The boy looked like he would pass out from the praise delivered by his Alpha but settled instead for a megawatt smile as Ryan rustled his hair.

Others nodded in Ryan's direction with respect as he passed and watched to see how well they were progressing. Considering it was their first lesson he was impressed with what he was seeing.

It had been the first day he'd been left unsupervised by Lenah to train the rest of her female warriors. He'd been terrified by the prospect but it had worked out well. The once nervous and timid females had found their feet and were now even joking with the male warriors. He even saw some budding romances developing.

Having the women attend the training classes was already making a big difference to the pack dynamics and Ryan was grateful for the changes. Slowly they were breaking through the old ideals and were beginning to reap the benefits.

"Are you planning on missing the party?" He chuckled to his mate who only stuck her tongue out at him causing everyone to laugh at them.

Every day more and more people seemed to accept her and his heart swelled in admiration for his mate.

"Okay, that's enough for today. Leave the targets out, we'll come back tomorrow, but pack your bows and arrows away carefully." She helped them place the bows back in their padded boxes and loaded up the car with their equipment so she and Ryan could drive them back.

He'd laughed when he found out she no license. It wasn't that she was against the idea of driving but normally she had nowhere to go so she'd never bothered to learn.

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