Chapter 58

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"Again!" Ryan sat down on his rump, his wolf's tongue hanging out of his mouth as he panted and tried to catch his breath. He'd been training with Callum and Luke in wolf form and about a hundred other wolves.

They'd finished their training, in wolf form at least, and he was taking the time just to relax his aching muscles and watch his mate walk up and down the rows of werewolves all still in their human form. He'd learnt that a weak human form could result in a weak wolf form, so it was important to train both sides of their bodies.

Watching Lenah as she pushed her class harder and faster, he realised just how soft she'd been on his pack in the beginning. Judging from the way she was commanding her class now and the unsteady men and women in front of her, she was done pulling her punches when it came to training. She was going to push then, and she was going to push them hard.

He shifted back to his human form not caring about his nakedness as he pulled on a loose pair of sweats and wiped a towel down his sweaty body. He growled as a few she-wolves openly admired his body. The stares turned his blood cold and his wolf huffed in annoyance, he wanted to go over there and teach them a lesson but Ryan reigned him in. These she-wolves belonged to Callum's pack, and as such he would do nothing more than growl at them.

Thankfully, seeing Ryan's reaction and his death stare in the women's direction, Callum intervened on his behalf.

Leaving Callum to call out the silly women on where they should place their eyes when looking at a mated Alpha, he made his way over to where his mate was finishing her class.

As he approached her, he noticed James returning with his own worn down group.

"You ready?" James' smirk was almost excited as he looked at Lenah.

He stretched his long arms across his body, relaxing muscles that he'd been tensing throughout his two-hour training session.

"You bet, who have you recruited this time?" Ryan had already watched Lenah go up against James and Morgan over the last few days and he had to admit although he trusted both with his life it was hard to see them in the same way after that.

James possessed Fae magic, like the rest of his kind. but he relied on his immense strength and efficient strategy to disarm his opponent.

It had been difficult to watch Lenah go toe to toe with the large Fae but his mate had held her own well. Despite his strength, Lenah's speed and her shadow walking always kept her out of arm's reach whilst still allowing her to land a few blows of her own. Although their fighting style was different, the way they analysed each other was identical. They responded to each other's every move. It was like watching a dance but only those two knew the correct choreography.

Lenah's one to one with Morgan, however, couldn't have been more different. She was the fire to James' ice. There appeared to be no strategy or reason behind Morgan's attack. It was chaotic and erratic which made it impossible for Ryan to follow. The fight was scrappier and more intense between the two women as Morgan pushed his mate to the edge but in the end Lenah had walked away with only a few burns despite pinning the witch repeatedly.

Most of James', Lenah's and Callum's classes stayed to watch Lenah's training, intrigued to see how well his mate could handle the different threats. Today he noticed the number of spectators had grown since the day before which continued to surprise him considering this was people's down time between the two training sessions of the day.

"Think you can handle a tag team?" James shifted to look over his shoulder as Oliver and Musette joined their group, huge smiles on both their faces as Lenah's back straightened. This would not be an easy fight.

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