Chapter 56

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"I can't believe that just happened!"

"I can't believe it was our ancestors that caused this."

"Someone bring me a map now!"

"Anyone know what we're supposed to be having for lunch?"

The constant babbling of voices in the living room was starting to grate on Lenah's nerves. She wished she could escape somewhere else, like Sally had, but she didn't have the very useful excuse of being heavily pregnant.

Callum had made sure a tired Sally had headed to their room as soon as they'd all left the barn, Oliver and his mate had disappeared to hunt whilst everyone else found themselves once again in the pack living room.

A headache was forming behind her eyes so she went to rub at her temples but was surprised to find her blades sitting in her palms. When she moved them closer together, their shape altered and she could almost make out her staff. Drawing them apart again, they became two separate blades just as they were in the beginning.

She hadn't called the blades to her hands so was confused as to why they were there. Pushing her blades away, she felt them dissolve in her hands only to return minutes later. She was getting a little unnerved as she tried again and again to get the blades to disappear only to have them return to her hands.

This had never happened to her. She'd always been in control of her magic, she made sure of it, the only time she'd lost control was during her heat and even then her blades had never caused her trouble.

More and more voices seemed to fill the room until it was almost unbearably loud. Yet looking around, she didn't see anyone new enter the room. Conversations seemed to echo around her head but she knew no one in the room was responsible for what was being spoken. What the hell was happening to her?

Ryan could feel Lenah's distress radiating from the mate bond and it caused his wolf to whine in alarm. Turning to see her sat ridged on the edge of her seat, he took in the blades balanced in her hands and the sheen of sweat covering her pale face. Something was seriously wrong with her.

"Lenah? Love, are you okay?"

He didn't want to draw the attention of the whole room so instead spoke directly into Lenah's mind, using their own link.

"Ryan? I don't know what's happening; something isn't right. I need to get away from here now before...."

She couldn't even finish her sentence, her magic was building and curling inside of her, causing her to tighten her hold on herself. She'd never felt more out of control than she did at this very moment.

Ryan could feel her panic increasing as the seconds ticked by and knew he had to act quickly. He marched across the full room, picked up a startled Lenah and ran. He passed the stunned faces of their friends and family, out of the pack house and he kept on running. Only stopping when they were miles away from anyone, in a quiet, empty meadow.

Sitting down he placed Lenah in his lap but turned her so he could see her face. She had more colour in her face now but sweat still clung to her skin and there was a wild look in her eyes he'd never seen before.

"Ryan I think you need to leave." Her voice was shaky and broken as she closed her eyes against his devastated expression.

Ryan's wolf howled in pain at his mate's rejection but refused to comply with her demand. There was no way he would leave her when she was going through something.

"You know I can't do that." Before he'd even got all the words out, Lenah's soft body disappeared from his as she travelled a few paces away and landed in an untidy heap.

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