Chapter 34

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Ryan woke up groggy and confused as he found himself lying face down on Lenah's hospital bed, still sat in his chair. It had felt like days since he'd first entered her mind but as he looked down at his clothes, he realised he hadn't been gone as long as he'd thought. Maybe a few hours at most? Surely more than a few minutes?

Movement to his side had his attention turning back to Lenah as she gently lifted herself up into a sitting position and pushed the hair out of her face. He was so glad to see her black eyes open again that he leaned over and captured her lips in a quick kiss.

At the first taste of her lips his wolf howled with longing, it had been too long since he'd been with her like this. Instantly he felt the bond pushing him to deepen the kiss, to get as close to her as possible, but he resisted knowing his mate was only just recovering.

His resolve cracked however, when he felt Lenah deepen the kiss herself. Her small tongue licked at his lips and Ryan opened his mouth to give her what she wanted.

Instantly her tongue invaded his mouth as their kissing took on new edge. He felt himself harden as their tongues clashed together and their breathing pick up.

Lenah's hand trailed up his shirt, latching on to his collar as she hugged him closer to her. He leaned down into her, feeling his legs bump against the hospital bed. The bond was making him crazy for her as his hands made their way into her hair. Being separated from her had only made him more desperate to hold her.

A loud obvious cough sounded just behind him as he regretfully tore his lips away from hers. He wanted to groan in frustration as he saw not just his parents behind him but Elaina and Akari as well. His parents looked on with huge smiles on their faces, Elaina looked relieved and Akari didn't seem to be able to make up her mind on what she felt. She alternated from staring daggers at him and throwing loving looks towards her sister.

After his frustration evaporated, he felt colour in flame his cheeks as he realised there was still a pretty prominent bulge in his trousers. He turned quickly back to Lenah so no one would notice and tried to discreetly maneuver things around.

Lenah looked at his embarrassed face and the position of his hands in his pockets with confusion until her eyes wandered further down his body. He knew the moment that she saw how hard he was from their kissing. Her dark eyes seemed to dance with a new light and she quickly flicked her tongue out over her dry lips. The sight of that tongue had Ryan's heart beat hammering in his veins. Desire shot through him so aggressively he wanted to growl out.

Seeing the reaction she was causing, Lenah looked up into his eyes. They were both needy with desire but there was nothing that they could do.

She winked up at him as they both tried to control their raging hormones. Ryan finally understood what his parents had meant about the strength of the bond. It had been a constant nagging in the back of his mind ever since Lenah had won the challenge ceremony but now that she was awake and responding to him, it was consuming him.

As their family surrounded them both, all he wanted to do was carry her from the room and make her his. The idea of his mark on her skin had him clenching his hands in anticipation.

"How are you?" Elaina was the first one beside Lenah, worry clearly etched on her face. Ryan noticed everyone except for Akari had stepped closer.

They all watched as Lenah shook out her arms and legs checking herself. Ryan already knew her wounds from the challenge were healed but he said nothing as she stretched out her whole body. She was careful of the needles still connected to her as she came to her conclusion.

"I'm..okay..I think. No lasting damage anyway." She smiled up at Elaina who quickly threw her arms around her and started softly crying on her shoulder. Lenah hugged her back fiercely whispering soothing words.

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