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"Aunt Kari, do you have to leave?" Akari looked down at a pleading Poppy who pouted at her.

She couldn't help the small laugh that escape her lips at the little girl's antics. In her time with her sister's pack she'd grown close to the girl and it would pain her to leave.

Leaning down, she picked up the little girl and carried her over to her other niece and nephew.

"Yes, sweetie I have to go but I'll always come back to visit and we can talk anytime you want on the phone." Poppy looked up at her, giving her big eyes.

"You promise?" The little girl held out her tiny pinkie finger for Akari to promise and she complied, trying to keep the smile off her face at the serious expression on Poppy's face.

"I promise. Now, why don't you go play with Oren and Lita?" Referring to her brother's two children who had taken an interest in the small werewolf and her ever present friend Connor.

"Okay, but you will not leave without telling me, right?" Poppy gripped hold of her hand, refusing to leave her side.

"I'm not going anywhere until tomorrow and you know I'd never leave without saying goodbye first." For a moment she watched as Poppy scrutinised her reaction looking for any sign of deceit but she found nothing as she smiled up at her.

"Okay Aunt Kari." She let Poppy place a quick kiss on her cheek before the little girl ran away, eliciting a squeak of excitement from the two kids who rushed to meet her.

Akari stood up and rubbed at her eyes, wiping away the tears that formed.

"Penny for your thoughts?" She turned not surprised to find her sister standing behind her, her eyes drifting between her and the kids now playing a short distance away.

In the few weeks since she had woken up, Lenah had worked hard to regain her strength. Her magic had returned instantly to her and seemed to be even stronger than before, as if she'd opened a new doorway with in herself, but her physically body was weak from all the time spent recuperating in a hospital bed.

It was the reason Akari had stayed so long. While her sister needed her, she wasn't going to leave, but her excuses to return home had run out. Lenah was better, the pack was no longer under threat and there was no reason she should stay anymore. And yet she felt no pleasure in going home.

Being with her sister and her mate made her life before seem like a work of fiction. After everything she'd witnessed, everything she'd done, she'd outgrown the life she used to love. She no longer felt like the same woman. It was like something had awoken in her the moment she'd stepped onto this land and she couldn't overcome it.

She was stronger than she'd imagined and braver than she ever knew. And she didn't want to let the new her go by returning to Magjepsur and playing their dutiful princess.

All her life she'd only been allowed brief escapes, in the form of attending human universities, but now she wanted more than that.

Her brother had the crown and his own mate to help him rule. With Oren and Lita their family line was more than secured. She was no longer needed within Magjepsur so maybe it was time to make her own life.

"Just sad at the thought of leaving, I suppose." She twirled away from Lenah to watch their nieces and nephew play. Enjoying the sounds of their fun together.

"You know you're more than welcome to stay here for as long as you want." Lenah came to stand next to her sister.

"I know I can and thank you." Although she said the words, they were automatic and lifeless. She was grateful to Lenah and would miss her time at Northridge Pack but she didn't want to intrude on the life her sister had built for her herself.

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