Chapter 52

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Lenah woke to Ryan lazily drawing patterns across her stomach. She felt herself blush as she thought of the number of times they'd both wanted each other in the night. She couldn't believe his stamina, but then again he was an Alpha.

Noticing she was now awake Ryan trailed his hand lower till it rested between her legs, running his fingers hungrily through her folds. She couldn't hold back the tiny wince as his fingers touched her sensitive flesh.

Immediately, his hand stilled and withdrew. She wanted to scream out to him he should never stop.

"Be right back my mate." His hard body disappeared from behind her, causing her own body to crave his warmth and strength.

Sitting up on her elbows, she saw her naked mate disappear into the bathroom, the sound of running water followed soon after.

As soon as Ryan re-entered the room, he went straight to her and gathered her up in his arms as if she were made of the most fragile glass.

Looking up into his face, she saw the love shining in his eyes as his gaze trailed over her face and towards her mark. She'd still yet to see her mate's mark on her neck but the curiosity about what it looked like was getting to her. She had hoped to have a quick peak in the bathroom when Ryan put her down but he had other ideas.

Rather than letting her walk to the bath herself, he carried her right towards the large tub set at the back of the room and placed her in the warm water. Instantly, her body seemed to relax, easing away any discomfort she had. A contented sigh escaped her lips as she sank further into the water, earning a satisfied chuckle from her mate.

"Close your eyes my love and relax. Let me take care of you." Her eyes closed without her command and a smile settled on her face. Feeling Ryan place a quick kiss on her forehead, she continued listening to his footsteps as he left the room.

She heard him rummaging through some drawers and then his swift steps down the stairs and then nothing. Despite her mate's large size, he could be almost soundless when he chose to be. She would have to be a werewolf herself if she wanted to hear him now but at least she had the mate bond which allowed her to know he was safe.

Resting her fingers on the top of the water, she pushed the bubbles around the tub, trying to read her emotions. Never had she felt this completeness, the feeling she'd finally found the place she belonged.

Despite her unusual life, she always considered it a happy one. She had Elaina and her friends; she had respect from many who could have easily shunned her. Even though she wasn't accepted by the majority, it never bothered her.

When she found Ryan though she'd been afraid for him. Afraid of what others would think of him if she became his Luna. Mostly, she was afraid that he would resent her for forcing him into a mating that he didn't want.

She wanted to scoff now at how stupid she'd been. She'd wanted to choose the path that Ryan should take and almost refused the bond to push him into not accepting her but he fought her every step of the way. Not once did he waver from his want or need for her. He'd never looked at her with anything but love and respect even when her hands had been covered with the blood of others.

She'd never thought she would be lucky enough to have her own mate, never mind someone like Ryan, someone so good and light. Someone who could balance out her darkness perfectly. She knew she owed the Goddess for her choice in a mate.

Her eyes opened as Ryan carried a small tray into the bathroom. Even though he'd put on a pair of boxers, his chest was still bare and the sight of him had her heart racing.

Looking over his sculpted chest, she froze at the swirling mark etched over his heart. The same one that stayed permanently on her own skin.

Ryan sat down by the side of the bath and looked at her in confusion.

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