Chapter 15

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Ryan stood in front of Lenah, holding the ceremonial knife, as she offered her hands to him.

He loathed what he was about to do but he had no choice. It went against his nature to ever harm his mate and yet he knew for the welcome rite she would have to bleed.

His wolf was restless inside of him as Lenah crouched in front of him and recited the words he'd spoken only moments ago.

Looking around he could see the tense faces of his pack staring back at him. As was expected, every pack member was in attendance except those who were needed to run patrols.

It meant that over 300 wolves were now witnessing Lenah and Elaina go through the welcome right.

Ryan had performed one welcome rite since he took over from his father five years ago, his sister's mate. The pack had celebrated that night but there were no such celebrations tonight.

Most of his pack held themselves stiffly and some had expressions of disgust as they heard Lenah's promise to abide by the rules and defer to the Alpha. It was clear that many disliked the situation but were choosing to follow their Alpha's lead.

Tradition dictated that any who wished to stay with the pack for an extended period of time should pledge themselves to the pack. After everything the two women had done he had already judged that they had fulfilled the first part of the rite. They demonstrated their resolve to serve the pack by choosing to fight with them rather than with the council and was accepted by both Ryan and Luke.

Which meant the only part left of the rite to complete was their pledge and the spilling of blood. As Elaina was human and aging, Lenah had opted to take her share of blood as well as her own. Elaina had protested heavily but Ryan knew the choice was a wise one.

Though the blade would do no lasting damage, the wound it left would be painful and deep. For a human, who healed slowly, it could cause trouble.

Even now, as he took Lenah's hands as gently as he could, he could see the anguish on Elaina's features.

Tingles shot up his arm at first contact with his mate's skin and he saw her neck stiffen as she too felt the connection between them.

He'd given her space after their kiss that morning, feigning that he had other issues to attend to. In truth he hadn't wanted to risk seeing her again in case he lost control and claimed her right were she stood.

It was taking all his self control not to pounce on her now as he slowly stroked soothing circles on her hand where he held it. Her shoulders relaxed ever so slightly from his actions which satisfied him.

"These women have now completed their pledge and will seal the bond in blood." His booming voice echoed over the gathered wolves causing some to shiver involuntarily.

His stomach sank as he looked down at his mate's bowed head and placed the blade in her palm before slicing into her flesh. The red wound it left tore at his heart as he heard her slight intake of breath, but otherwise she showed no other physical reaction to the injury.

Breathing deeply himself, he held her other hand and repeated the action again. Cursing himself as he watched the blood now trickle out of the two wounds he had placed on her skin.

Turning towards his mother he motioned her forward with a bowl of soothing water to clean the wounds. Being as carefully as he could, he led Lenah's hands into the bowl and washed them until they were both clean.

He then motioned for his father to bring the bandages in order to dress the wound.

"I, Alpha Ryan, accept your bond and bandage the wounds as a symbol that you are now under my protection." He tied the bandage securely on her last hand and winced as she flinched in pain from his actions.

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