Chapter 17

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Lenah followed slightly behind Ryan's wolf. She was trying to get her bearings but her eyes kept going back to Ryan.

His wolf's fur was the same colour as his hair, a dark chocolate brown, and it was by far the largest wolf she'd ever seen. Her head only came up to its hunches.

Having worked with wolves before she knew that Ryan's wolf was incredibly powerful and she could see the markings around his muzzle which showed his Alpha heritage. He was a born Alpha. Meaning that he was born to lead, to command a pack, it was in his blood.

They broke through the forest line into more sparser grassland and Lenah felt the sun warm her skin. She watched amazed at the gold tones she could see in Ryan's coat where the sun shone on it.

Desperately she wanted to reach her hand out and run it through his fur, to see if it was as silky as it looked, but she kept her hands firmly clamped by her side.

She knew she'd hurt him by walking away from him but she couldn't think how she could make him understand why she was doing this to him. He'd shown her more acceptance and kindness than the majority of people she'd met and yet she knew she was hurting him.

It pained her to do it but knew it was better for everyone if she pushed him away.

Her moment of madness back in the forest was still on her mind and she cursed her hormones for pushing her towards Ryan's waiting arms. Never before had she had to resist someone so hard.

Perhaps she'd been too cocky in thinking it would be easy to act indifferent towards him. Although she refused to accept Ryan's claim that they were mates, deep down something was telling her he was right.

Since meeting him she'd thought of no one else. Every time he entered a room her hormones went crazy.

And Elaina was no help to her. All her talk about destiny and fate were starting to grate on her nerves.

She missed having her friends to talk to but her phone was one of the few things left to be delivered and she refused to use the pack phone.

Every time she wandered around the house by herself she found herself observed by at least two of Ryan's pack. She wasn't surprised at their protectiveness at having a stranger in the house but the hovering was still stifling.

For someone used to being free to do what she pleased she found their lurking presence irritating and it had only been two nights, one of which she was unconscious for.

She'd been partly grateful when only Ryan joined her on their wander around the Alpha estate. More hostile eyes looking in her direction was not what she wanted but now she was questioning her judgement on whether they should be alone.

Her body was still tingling from where he'd touched her and her traitorous hormones were still disappointed that they hadn't taken things further.

They walked past an outcropping of rocks and she decided they needed to talk. It would be easier to say what she had to say whilst he was still in his wolf form. Although she found his wolf fascinating it was nothing compared to the man underneath.

She sat on the hard rock, wishing that she'd brought a jacket to sit on. Whilst her outfit had been chosen to garner a reaction it was perhaps not suited to the slight chill that remained in the air.

Ryan's wolf turned its head towards her and regarded her with eyes so similar to Ryan's. A deep green with vivid gold flecks that Lenah already knew she'd never be able to forget.

Her heart pulled a little as she looked at him, unsure what she was going to say but knowing whatever it was would be difficult for both of them.

"Ryan we need to talk." His wolf looped over to her and sat quietly in front of her waiting for her to continue.

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