Chapter 21

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Days later Ryan found himself in one of the larger barns that had been converted into a training facility for his pack. His body vibrating with nervous energy.

He was used to this room. It was the place where he'd pushed himself harder than anyone else in preparation for one day becoming Alpha but as he looked around he noticed the changes that Lenah and his sister had made.

Most of the training equipment that had dominated the floor had been moved to one side leaving a vast open space covered with soft mats. Just off to the side he noticed a collection of padded boxes that had been delivered quietly during the night.

They were lucky that for the moment that their enemies were not stopping their deliveries, not wanting to interact with the humans, but Ryan didn't know how long that would last. Lenah had still taken precautions however as the boxes had been smuggled in under creates of food so as to hide their existence.

No one but Lenah knew what was in the boxes and their scent was so faint his werewolf senses were useless to him.

He watched with nervous energy as the women began filing into the room. They cast cautious glances towards him and the numerous males that had requested Ryan to join in the training. It must have been an intimidating sight as some of the younger, unmated females fell back slightly to let others lead.

Ryan was happy that so many females had complied with his command to attend. Not everyone was happy with the situation but there were no alternatives, they had to make this work.

Finally the last stragglers entered the room and Luke went to close the door behind them. The moment of truth was finally here. He wondered whether this plan would actually work but as he looked at his mate, who radiated confidence, his heart lifted just a little.

Turning to the gathered crowd he cleared his voice as everyone's eyes were now on him.

"You know why we are here. The pack needs your help. The patrols can not go on as they are." He paused allowing this to sink in as whispering broke out amongst the females.

The struggling of the patrols had largely been kept from them so Ryan wasn't surprised to see their shocked faces. He understood the reasons why their male relatives had not told them. They had wanted to protect them and spare them the worry that was eating the rest of the pack alive. But this had to stop, they had to stand together or their pack was going to fall.

"We have asked you here today so that you can train and go on to protect the pack alongside your brothers." Watching the women carefully he saw the shock and horror on most of their faces as they continued to whisper amongst themselves.

But his resolve strengthened as he saw some of the women sporting proud grins and squaring their shoulders ready for the challenge ahead of them.

"Alpha why should we train with you? How will our duties be completed if we're here." A strong female voice called out.

Other females nodded their head vigorously at the woman's words as they waited for their Alpha's response.

Ryan dragged his hand through his hair in annoyance.

"Are you not part of this pack? Do you not have a duty to protect it?" His words were low and lethal as many of the women hung their heads in shame.

"As for your duties they will be split between yourselves and the males." At his words there were angry bursts from behind him.

He caught Lenah's smug smile as he turned towards his men who wore outraged expressions.

Before anyone could respond he raised his voice.

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