Chapter 51

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Ryan carried Lenah through the small cottage, bypassing every room until he came to the master bedroom at the back of the property.

Lenah assumed he would toss her straight on the bed but instead he set her on her feet, his hands casually resting on her shoulders.

Being careful, he started to slowly unbutton the top of the dress. Every time his hands grazed across her skin she couldn't help but moan. When the last button was undone, she felt Ryan's hand slide across the bottom of her back, where the buttons ended, back up to her shoulders. Almost like a caress, he slid the fabric off her shoulders until the dress pooled at her feet.

Grabbing hold of his hand Lenah stepped over the material until she stood in front of him in nothing but her silky black knickers.

His heated gaze roamed over her exposed breasts and she was grateful that she'd gone braless. She would never want to miss out on the way he was looking at her right now.

Feeling daring she sashayed towards the bed, swinging her hips seductively before crawling to the middle of the bed. She'd decided yesterday she'd be barefoot for the actual ceremony and was glad of that decision now. Struggling to get a pair of high heels off her sore feet would have definitely ruined the mood.

Turning to look back at Ryan, she noticed his eyes had obviously been staring at her ass the entire way across the room as he swallowed nervously. His cock bobbed with his excitement but rather than join her on the bed, like she hoped, his head turned towards the still open door.

"Be right back. Try not to miss me." He smiled at her before dashing from the room.

Lenah tried not to panic as she saw her mate's taunt swoon worthy butt disappearing around the door frame. It felt like a lifetime when Ryan returned with a small apron tied around his waist holding a bucket in one hand and a covered plate in the other. He smiled almost bashfully at her as he placed both things on the bedside table.

Opening the bedside table he pulled out two champagne flutes, his cocky expression making Lenah laugh as he popped the champagne cork.

"Thought we could have our own little celebration." Turning, he poured two generous glassfuls of champagne, handing one to Lenah and taking a large sip of his before joining her on the bed with the still covered tray.

"And since we didn't get to eat any cake, I made sure my Mum whipped this up for us." Uncovering the dish with one hand, he revealed a large slice of chocolate cake covered with a thick chocolate sauce.

Dropping the cover to the floor, he picked up the one fork on the plate and speared a small part of the cake. Being careful not to drop a single crumb he held it out for Lenah to try. As her lips closed around the cake, Ryan felt a sense of satisfaction. He fed her forkful after forkful of the dense cake, enjoying each time she closed her eyes and savoured its flavour.

A small amount of chocolate sauce had become trapped at the corner of her mouth and he couldn't resist any longer. Leaning over her, he kissed the corner of her mouth, rubbing away the sauce.

He pulled away to see the lust growing in her eyes as she looked at him. Her hand moved towards the plate as her fingers dipped into the leftover chocolate sauce. Once her fingers were covered, she lifted them to her exposed chest and trailed them down her body. Taking great satisfaction as her mate's eyes followed them all the way down before returning to her mouth where she sucked her fingers clean.

She would have chuckled at his nervous swallowing if she wasn't so turned on herself.

"I think it's time for your dessert." She didn't even recognise her own husky voice as Ryan leaned his head down and licked between her breasts.

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