Chapter 39

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Ryan woke to Lenah's body flush against him. It was the most amazing feeling and he couldn't resist wrapping his arms around her and burying his head in her hair. Her smell was still intoxicating to him and he breathed it in deeply.

He'd taken a few more drops from his vial throughout the night, even though Lenah's mating heat had subsided, just to be sure he wouldn't lose control. Having his mate so close was driving his wolf crazy and Ryan was grateful the potion kept him at bay.

He flinched slightly when Lenah unconsciously scooted back closer to him. Instantly his hard on was met by the round softness of her bum as she wiggled in her sleep. He resisted the urge to let out a groan as his cock hardened yet again.

He tried to calm his thoughts and think about something else but that was proving increasingly difficult with his beautiful mate naked beside him.

In the hours after their time together he'd only managed a few minutes of sleep at a time. Every time he fell asleep, erotic dreams about Lenah would have him waking urgently with an aching need that only his mate could satisfied. It was only the peaceful look on her face while she slept that stopped him from waking her up.

She needed her sleep after everything they'd gone through. Hell, she was still recovering from being in a coma for two weeks, if anyone deserved a little lie in it would be Lenah.

He felt his cock swell as it nestled between him and Lenah and he knew that he couldn't ignore it any longer. There was only so much the potion could do, and although it gave him control, it couldn't completely remove his hormones.

Moving as swiftly as he could, he lifted his arm off Lenah's waist and slid out of the bed. He almost laughed when Lenah turned around in her sleep and tried to search for him. He dared not risk waking her by giving her a kiss goodbye, even though he longed to.

Walking quietly, he entered the bathroom and shut the door soundlessly. Pulling off his clothes, he entered the walk in shower, turning the temperature to cold.

The freezing water caused him to jump as it slid down his back to the floor. He put his hands against the wall, waiting for the cold water to do it's magic, but every time he relaxed, his thoughts turned to Lenah asleep and naked in his bed.

His cock stared up at him, as if taunting him, so he pushed the dial until the temperature was as low as it could go but still it had no effect. His traitorous mind was fueling the movement of blood to a lower region in his body which was now proudly saluting him.

He signed angrily, his hormones were still set in overdrive from the night before, and there was only one thing for it. He'd have to take matters into his own hands.

Flicking the water dial so that he was now pelted with slightly warmer water, he grasped his raging erection and started working the flesh in his hand. Images of Lenah sprawled naked beneath him as he entered her flashed into his mind as he pumped himself faster.

He was breathing hard, too busy enjoying the fantasies playing in his head to notice the bathroom door open and a dishevelled Lenah enter the room.

She could hear the sound of the shower and seeing that Ryan was no longer led next to her, went to investigate. She was worried about what had happened last night, or more specifically, the early hours of this morning. When she woke and found her mate gone she'd worried that he'd been pushed too far last night.

Although her memory was a little sketchy, she remembered the pleasure he'd given her and the orgasms, but she didn't remember him once taking any pleasure for himself. She couldn't imagine how hard that must have been for him to resist the most natural instinct in the world, to claim his mate for himself.

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