Chapter 23

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It was chaos when Ryan and Lenah arrived at the house. Elder Lewis and his wife stood blocking anyone from going upstairs whilst Trish's husband argued loudly with them.

As Ryan looked closer, he saw the man was visibly shaking with his anger, a sign that his wolf was close to the surface. Elaina was sat in an armchair in the corner whilst his mother was trying in vain to diffuse the situation.

Upstairs Ryan could hear the heavy breathing of a woman in labour as well as her occasional cries of pain. Every time the woman cried out the room went quiet before the arguing started again.

No one had even noticed their entrance, except for Elaina who waved at them half heartedly. The woman looked tired and more withdrawn than Ryan had ever seen her. He was so use to Elaina being the biggest personality in the room it was shocking to see how drawn her face was.

Lenah brushed passed him as she went to kneel by Elaina running her hands over the woman's arm. He thought he saw sadness flicker in her eyes as she looked at her but as soon as she saw him looking her expression shuttered into blankness.

It hurt him that his mate still had difficulty trusting him but he had to remind himself that Lenah had good reasons not to trust people. Her childhood had left her with scars that Ryan hoped she would one day feel comfortable sharing.

A large cry issued from upstairs, freezing everyone in place before the arguing intensified. He watched as Trish's husband tried to push past his parents in law only to be manhandled by elder Lewis. Both men had their claws out and Ryan knew he needed to step in before things escalated.

"Enough of this!" The wolves in front of him flinched at his Alpha tone, all of their eyes falling to the floor as they turned their bodies towards him.

"Explain yourselves now." Trish's husband went to stand in front of him, his head lifting ever so slightly.

"My mate, she needs medical help but her parents refuse to allow her to be treated. Please Alpha I can't lose them. Please." The man's desperate eyes roamed around the room as he sought comfort. It was painful to watch him come unhinged in front of them all.

Ryan was surprised he'd been able to control his wolf so well. It was a wolf's natural instinct to protect what is theirs, their mates and pups being at the top of the list.

"You won't lose them, I won't allow it." The man all but collapsed with relief at Ryan's words as Lenah began to help Elaina to her feet but elder Lewis decided to step forward.

"I will not allow it. My daughter can do this herself she doesn't need help from these outsiders." He looked coldly in Lenah and Elaina's direction as they paused on their way towards the stairs. Ryan couldn't help but notice how much Elaina was leaning on his mate for support. He was starting to get worried for her.

Trish's husband growled low as he started stalking back towards his father in law.

"This is ridiculous. She could die!" His final words ended in a roar as he jumped at his father-in-law only to be thrown back against the wall by elder Lewis.

Before the men could start brawling with each other Ryan stepped in between them.

"Stop this now. It will do your mate no good if you get injured." He said turning to her husband who's shoulders slumped, all the fight leaving him. The smug smile on elder Lewis' face grated on Ryan's nerves. The man actually seemed to enjoy the pain and distress he was causing.

Ryan turned towards the elder who's smile slipped ever so slightly as he took in his Alpha's dangerously calm eyes.

"Explain yourself elder Lewis." Ryan's clipped words had the man flinching ever so slightly before he recovered and glared at Ryan.

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