Chapter 16

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Standing outside training with his men, Ryan couldn't help but look back at the house every few minutes waiting for Lenah to join them.

He was nervous at the thought of seeing his mate after what had happened the night before and still hadn't figured out what he was going to say to her.

The men in front of him were just beginning their warm up before starting their drills.

Before everything happened with Poppy the pack would keep track of training but it was always on a casual basis. Now, they had regimental sessions in place and training had become a serious part of pack life. There was a regular cycle between training, patrolling and time off for all the male wolves but it was proving more and more difficult to maintain.

It was why he wanted to start the women's training sessions but so far none had seem interested.

He breathed deeply and stretched out the muscles in his leg. He'd chosen to wear black jogging bottoms and a grey T-shirt knowing that in all likelihood he would be shifting later on anyway and the clothing was comfortable.

As he was straightening up he noticed all his men staring back towards the main house. He turned to see what they were staring at and felt all the water evaporate from his mouth.

Lenah was strolling towards the men wearing black workout leggings and a tight black crop top with pink stripes across the side. He watched the material pull tight across her chest revealing the tops of her breasts.

As she came to stand next to him, he noticed that many of the other men were undressing his mate with their eyes and he couldn't help but let loose a little growl. It was satisfying to see their eyes drop to the floor. Only he should see his mate looking so delicious.

Turning back to look at Lenah he couldn't help but notice the smug look that covered her face. It was apparent that his mate was playing her own game today.

Originally he'd planned for some of his men to join them on their walk around the perimeter but he refused to allow them any closer to his mate whilst she had so much skin on show.

He had yet to claim her which meant she was still open to other male wolves, a thought that had his own wolf howling to mark her now in front of his men.

Trying to battle against his instincts was proving to be more difficult than he'd originally anticipated but he willed himself not to close the distance between them.

"Are you ready to go?" Lenah's voice drifted over his skin and did nothing to stop his rising hormones. Her husky voice was like the purest symphony to his ears and it drove him ever wilder for her.

He nodded his head quickly, not trusting himself to speak.

Raising his hand, he indicated the direction they needed to go and she began walking away, swinging her hips as she went. The tight leggings highlighted every curve and Ryan envisioned gently biting into her glorious bum before spanking her.

"Are you coming?" She turned back to him and motioned him to follow and Ryan obeyed silently, growling lowly when some of his pack went to follow.

There was no way he was having his men looking at her for an extended period of time.

As he jogged to catch up with her, he could see his second smiling widely at him so he flipped him the finger which caused Luke to smile wider. Luke could think what he liked but Ryan knew he was making the right decision.

As they passed into the forest Lenah let him lead since he knew the territory.

They walked in silence, the sounds of the pack dying down behind them, until they were cocooned in the natural sounds of the wilderness.

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