Chapter 64

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Sunlight filtered through the pink flowers in the trees and the soft breeze fluttered against her skin.

Lenah lifted her hand to shield her eyes from the sun, feeling the gentle touch of silk shift across her shoulders. The hard bark of the tree dug into her back as her gaze lifted to the view in front of her.

Rows and rows of cherry blossom trees bloomed in front of her. Their petals delicately falling, blanketing the grass beneath in their vibrant colours.

The silk shawl around her shoulders fell to the floor as she sat up in stunned awe.

The grove was too beautiful for words and almost brought tears to her eyes. She wondered just where she now found herself.

She'd travelled to many places in the world but nothing compared to this. The place buzzed with energy, more alive than anything she'd ever felt. The sweet taste of blossom caught in her throat, flooding her senses with their delicious scent.

Musical laughter floated towards her and she saw something shifting through the trees. Flashes of silver and black was all she could see, but the laughter continued.

Whatever it was moved further away and Lenah couldn't help but feel a stab of disappointment. The energy in the grove dipped now that whatever it was had disappeared out of sight.

A feeling of panic flooded through her when she could no longer see it.

Rising to her feet, she chased the sound of laughter. Her bare feet hitting the fresh grass as her dress moved effortlessly against her body.

As blue as the new day sky, her dress sparkled like sunlight and floated around her even whilst she ran. The material obviously not of the world she'd known. Never had she known a dress so exquisite as it fitted around her chest and flared at her waist.

The trees thinned as the continued to chase whatever she'd seen. The sound of laughing trailing off into a soft chuckle as she paused at what stood in front of her.

Hundreds of flowers erupted from the ground and trailed along the trees, filling the space with their pungent perfume, as the most beautiful woman stood waiting for her.

She was easily seven foot tall and wore a dress that mirrored the night sky. It draped across her shoulders and bunched at her waist where a half moon pin held the dress together, before falling to the floor.

Watching the dress, Lenah was amazed to see the constellations drift across the material, as if the dress were alive.

The woman's long silvery hair fell to below her waist and a crown of flowers adorned her head.

She raised her hand to Lenah, her silver eyes gentle and welcoming.

"Come Lenah, we have much to talk about." The woman walked away from her, settling on a bench placed in the shade of the biggest tree.

She beckoned once again, smiling when Lenah snapped out of her dazed state and joined her on the bench.

Immediately, she missed the feeling of the sun on her skin but the aura of the person sat next to her, pushed her disappointment away.

Rather than look directly at the intimidating woman next to her, she stole glances out of the corner of her eye but still the woman continued to watch her.

Power surrounded her and yet Lenah wasn't afraid. She felt familiar somehow. It was almost like she knew her.

"How do you like the gardens, Lenah? Beautiful, aren't they?" The woman turned her gaze away from Lenah for a moment before smiling at her.

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