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I got up and walked into the hallway, as usual people stared at me as I approached my friends; Cameron, CT, and my best friend, Justin.

"Hey man, I heard what happened this morning." CT spoke first.

"Which part?"

"The girl friend thing, then getting detention." I rolled my eyes.

"Why don't you just break up with her?" Justin asked.

"I'm going to today once I get out of detention." They all looked at me.

"You always say that." Cameron said.

"I promise I will, just trust me." The bell cut our conversation short. "I'll see you guys at lunch." They nodded and we all walked our separate ways.



 "So basically he got you detention?" Hayley asked. I nodded my head.

"But we had plans today." Mel said. I rolled my eyes at him. Mel was my other best friend. Don't get me wrong, I have more friends, him and Hayley are just the ones I always talk to. 

"Okay well Mel, things come up. We can do it another day." I sighed right before a cookie landed in the middle of the table. I looked up to see Aubrey standing there.

"Hey sweetheart." He smiled and sat down.

"Don't call me that." I was so annoyed with him right now.

"Yeah yeah, but listen I'm sorry about that whole detention thing." He pushed the cookie towards me. "I got you this cookie though." 

"Wow a 85 cent cookie is gonna make it better." I stood up from my seat. "I'll see you guys later." I said to Hayley and Mel. They nodded and I walked away, I was out of the cafeteria when I realized he was following. He was really about to make me snap.

"It's just detention jeez, you act like it's fucking prison." I turned to face him.

"Alright listen, I forgive you. God, you act like your life can't go on just because I won't forgive you. Just go back to being Mr. Popular, okay? Just don't talk to me and we'll be fine." I turned back around and without looking back I headed to class. I knew he was still in the middle of the hall just staring at me, but I didn't care I don't see why he feels the need to talk to me.


I quickly walked out of the school and to my car. I'm pretty sure when Mr. Low said I could leave I ran out but I didn't really care. I managed to somehow not talk to Aubrey the whole time, he seemed to get my message not to talk to me. 

 Once I climbed in I pulled my keys out and started driving home. as I pulled out of the parking lot I saw Aubrey start his car and drive off. I rolled my eyes, he literally made me so mad. It's not even the whole detention thing, cause trust me I've had it a bunch of times, it's more the fact that he'd changed. He cared about popularly too much, why couldn't he just be laid back and not care what people thought.

I pulled into my driveway, grabbed my book bag and went inside. As I passed the kitchen to go to my room I grabbed a water. I pulled my book bag on the bed and pulled out my art project and pencil. I actually really liked art, and I was good at it. If I didn't have art everyday I probably wouldn't go to school as much. About 20 minutes in I got a text from Hayley.


 Can you come over? Like now?




Please I really need some help with the math, otherwise I'll fail. 

I rolled my eyes. Hayley was always bad at math, I was okay at it but I'd been helping her get at least a D in the class. I texted her saying I'd be there soon and grabbed my shoes. I grabbed my bag and walked out of the house. I threw my bag in the car then climbed in. 

I was barely paying attention when I backed out, I was probably the worlds worst driver but somehow I passed the test after only 7 times. I felt my car jerk forward, I'd thought I had hit the trash cans like I always do but I looked back and saw another car. 

"FUCK." I rested my head on my steering wheel before stepping out. I cussed again when I saw who I hit. 

"What the fuck October. Can you not see?" Aubrey yelled. "God damn it."

"Aubrey I'm really really really sorry. Just please don't file a report." I felt my eyes fill with tears. "I just got in a wreck a week ago and I'll get killed. I'll literally do anything." 

"October, the whole front of my car is ruined and you don't want me to file a report, I need my shit fixed." He kneeled next to the car and checked the damage. "I mean look at this."

"Aubrey, please I'll do anything." He stood up and looked at me. I saw him smirk when I said that. "Okay not anything ju-just Aubrey tell me what you want. I'll find a way to pay you back." 

"Alright." He smiled. "I'm gonna think about this 'anything' for awhile. I'll come over when I think of it." I nodded my head while he turned around. He got in his car and pulled it into his driveway. I got back in mine and pulled it up before texting Hayley.


Not coming, something came up.

I knew she would be pissed but I really wasn't gonna go out now, I had to figure out what the fuck to do about this. I grabbed my bag and walked back inside, I sat in the couch and put my head in my hands. What was Aubrey gonna fucking do? I wasn't worried about like sexual stuff or anything like that, I was more scared about the fact I didn't know what he was gonna do. He was unpredictable.

I'm pretty sure I sat there for about an hour just thinking about what he wanted until I heard a knock. I quickly got up and opened it, he stepped in and walked into my living room. I saw a piece of paper in Aubrey's hand. 

"So I thought long and hard, and you know I wasn't sure you know?" He put the paper on the table. "I came to this conclusion." I grabbed it and read it.

"This is what you thought of?" I rolled my eyes. 

"Yep, unless you want to pay for my fucking car and probably be grounded forever."

"Technically she can't ground me, I mean I'm 18." 

 "Okay, unless you want to pay for my car." I sighed.

"So I just gotta hang out with you and be around you whenever you want, until January 1st?" I mumbled.

"And can't complain." 

"Deal." I mean it was a simple deal, except for the fact that I hated him. He made me sign the paper and he took it and put it in his pocket. It seemed easy enough, I mean it was August now so about 5 months.

My I just point out, the key word is 'seemed'.


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