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I walked down my porch steps and over to Aubrey. He was looking down at his phone and looked up when he noticed me standing in front of him. 

"Hey Sw-" He paused once he looked up. "God damn." He mumbled. I smiled at his comment. He was wearing a suit and tie, he actually looked really good. I was wearing an all black corset dress that came out and flowed down to my knees. I decided yesterday that I'd go back to the store without Aubrey and look at dresses for the party today. "You look amazing." He grabbed my hand and spun me around.

"Thank you." I laughed at him. He turned me one more time before letting me get in the car. Once he got in he pulled off.

"So the party already started but I don't really care." He looked over and smiled at me. "You really do look pretty."

"Aubrey you're making it weird." I crossed my arms and smirked. 

"Well sorry sweetheart, you just look stunning." He pulled onto a street and parked the car. Again, it's amazing living so close to everything. Aubrey ran around the car and opened my door.

"Thanks." I smiled. He walked beside me until we got to the building. When we got inside I was amazed. There where so many people, I mean I thought there would be a lot, but not this many. There were kids here from our school and then there were older people. The party was packed already. 

"You gonna move out of the walkway, and go to the party." Aubrey whispered in my ear and walked past me. 

"I was going to." I rolled my eyes at him and followed him. As soon as we walked into the room Jesse approached Aubrey. I swear this bitch had a Aubrey detector installed in her brain, she knew where he was all the time. 

"Hey baby." She smiled and tried to hug him which he quickly denied.

"Jesse no." He mumbled. "I don't need this here or now. I actually don't need this at all. Please get the message we're done." I tried not to laugh cause she was too clingy.

"What is she smiling at?" She looked at me. 

"Jesse leave her alone." He sighed. 

"No, I know you dumped me for her. Why? Look at her." She was talking as if I wasn't right in front of her. Aubrey was about to speak when I spoke up.

"Desperate isn't a good look for you honey." I smiled. "Neither is clingy."

"Bitch no one was talking to you." Jesse raised her voice a little, gaining a few stares. 

"Jesse stop damn it." Aubrey whispered. "Just go enjoy the party or something, just leave me alone." 

"No Aubr-" Right then CT walked over. 

"Hey guys." He smiled. "So Aubrey your parents wanted to see you."

"Oh thanks CT." Aubrey turned to Jesse. "Have a good time." He grabbed my hand and walked away with CT. "Nice cover up man. Thanks for getting me away from that crazy bitch."

"No problem." He nodded. "Where's Justin and Cameron?" He lead us to the bar where we each got a soda.

"Justin is pissed about October, and Cameron is probably with him." CT nodded and sipped his drink.

"October you look beautiful." 

"Thank you CT." The party was full of life. Aubrey lead me around as he talked and greeted to a few people. He was really good with people, he was so open and nice. CT met a girl named Aria. She was a girl that went to a school close to ours and her parents knew Aubrey's. Surprisingly Aubrey didn't really hit on many girl's and didn't really pay much attention to them. Aubrey found a seat by the bar and let me sit. 

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