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"So you got everything you wanted?" He asked as we climbed into the car.

"More than." I smiled

My dad decided to take me to an amazing mall that was in the city. He let me get whatever I wanted and I'm not complaining. During the shopping we talked to each other the whole time. Today reminded me of how it used to be between us. 

"Dinner should be ready when we get home." He said. 

"Okay." I grew quiet again, remembering I had to meet his wife. I knew it was gonna be weird and I definitely wasn't ready. I looked at the window, not wanting to get home so fast. Unfortunately, we got home faster than expected. I slowly climbed out of the car.

"I'll get the bags later." I nodded as I followed him in. Once he open the door to the house, my feet got heavy. I took slow, small steps. He walked ahead of me and into the living room. I heard him talking to the baby. I brushed a strand of hair behind my ear and walked in. He was holding the baby in the air as she laughed. He laughed with her and lowered her to his hip. "Wanna hold her?" 

"Sure." I mumbled. His smile grew wider as he passed her to me. We stared at each other for a moment before she reached for my hair. She grabbed a small handful and pulled it. 

"No, Autumn." He said. She released the hair and reached to touch my face. I moved my head away. "October, she's not gonna hurt you." He smiled. I moved my head back and leaned over to both her hands could touch my face. She giggled a little as her hands ran over my face. As she ran her hands over my cheeks a lady walked out of the kitchen. 

"Looks like the whole family is here." She said excitedly.

"October this is Deanna." He said. "She's been excited to meet you and hasn't shut up for weeks." I laughed a little and set the baby on the ground. I was still a little nervous. 

"How does steak sound for dinner?" She asked.

"Uh, I'm cool with it." I said. She walked over and grabbed my hand. 

"Come on, I need some help." I looked at my dad as she pulled me to the kitchen. He smiled and nodded. "Can you make mashed potatoes?" 

"Yeah." I mumbled. 

"Oh come one, I'm not that scary am I." 

"No, I'm just nervous." I looked down. 

"Don't worry, you'll be over it soon." She passed me all the things I needed to make the potatoes. As I added the ingredients and started mashing the potatoes, she spoke.

"So you're a senior?" 


"Do you have a boyfriend?" She asked. "I'm sorry, if that sound pushy, I've just always wanted someone to talk to boys about." I laughed a little.

"Yeah I have a boyfriend." I smiled.

"Can I see him?" I stopped mixing the food and pulled my phone out. I showed her my lock screen which was a picture of me on his back while we were at the beach. "He's cute." She said. I unlocked my phone and showed her my favorite picture of us, which included; Him and me while I was sleeping, one when we went hiking, Aubrey kissing my cheek, and me driving the car with his face full of fear. "You guys are so cute." 

"Thanks." I blushed.

"When did you start dating?" 

"About four or five months ago." I said. "I love him." That last part just slipped out. 

"He looks like a good guy." She said. 

"He is." I turned back around and finished making the mash potatoes. 

"So do you have friends?" I laughed a little. "Not that you don't seem like you have friends I ju-"

"No, it's okay." I smiled. "I understand your nervous, but don't be." I sat on the counter and watched her finish everything. "And yes, I do. My best friends are Hayley, Mel and CT. Hayley and Mel are dating and well CT he's just the fifth wheel, in a good way." I told her. "Plus there's Ryan, Aubrey's cousin but he only comes down in the winter and summer." 

"Sounds like you're popular." She said.

"Not really, Aubrey is." I ran my fingers through my hair.

"So did your mom get you that bracelet?" I looked down at my charm bracelet.

"No, again that was Aubrey." I told her. "I know I mention him a lot."

"No, I understand. That's your guy, and you're proud of him." I felt my cheeks turn red. "What kind of things are on it?"

"Uh well, there's a basketball, and a microphone for now." I said. "He said he'd get me more when he got more money." Aubrey got the basketball cause he always makes me watch it with him and the microphone to represent his music. 

"Next time you come up, you should bring him." She smiled. "Can you get your dad?" 

"Yeah." I hopped off the counter and called my dad for dinner.


I plopped down on my bed after a long ass day. I was beyond tired and just wanted to fall asleep, I needed to call Aubrey though. I really didn't expect to warm up to everyone so much. I really really liked Deanna. She just clicked with me. 

I dialed Aubrey's number and it went to voicemail after a few rings. I tried again and this time he answered on the second ring. 

"Hello?" He sounded a little off.

"Hey babe." I said. "Are you okay?" 

'What, yeah." I heard him laugh. 

"Aubrey, where are you?" 

"The studio." He laughed more. I sighed, I could tell he was high.

"What are you doing at the studio?" 

"He's smoking with me." Ryan yelled. I let out a loud groan. 

"Why are you guys smoking?" I asked, obviously annoyed. 

"Cause it's fun October, you should try it." 

"No, I'm not doing it." 

"Come on October, when you get back we can." I heard Ryan's voice clearly in the speaker now. "It makes sex like ten times better."

"We don't do that Ryan." I mumbled. 

"You two don't fuck? What, that's crazy." He laughed. I felt my face turn red. 

"I wish she'd let me hit that." I heard Aubrey whisper. 

 "What the fuck did you just say Aubrey Graham?" I said.

"Nothing sweetheart." I was really pissed now. If Aubrey really wanted to have sex with me he could've just said so. I didn't know he wanted it that badly from me.  The other reason was because he was smoking while I was out of town. He never did it when I was in town, it made me think about what he did behind my back. I was too angry to talk to him right now.

"You know what just call me when you're sober." I said before hanging up. 


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