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"I think that went really well."  smiled at him. 

I dragged Aubrey out today to help him look for a job. So far it was going really good, the job searching I mean. Aubrey on the other hand, wasn't very enthusiastic. So far we visited a few places in the mall and the coffee shop by our house. 

"October I don't want a job." He whined. 

"Baby, just do it." I said. 

"I really don't wanna do this." He mumbled. I really didn't understand why he was so against getting a job, it was ridiculous. 

"How about we stop and get some lunch." I reached over and rubbed his cheek. He sighed and nodded. "While we're there, I can help you apply."

"Whatever." He leaned against he door and stared out. Since he couldn't have his car, we ended up using mine. He was in a pissy mood so I ended up driving.

I parked in a parking spot, of course not without almost hitting the car next us. Aubrey rolled his eyes and got out. He usually didn't mind my bad driving. I quickly got out of the car and hurried after him. He stared at the menu for a moment before turning to me.

"What do you want?" I told him what  wanted and grabbed us a seat. He came a few minutes later with the food. He grabbed his food and ate without speaking. I sighed, it upset me that he was mad when I was taking time out of my day to help him. 

I ate in silence and stared down. I was trying not to yell at Aubrey for being a complete asshole today. Once we were both done we walked back out to my car. As I drove I spoke to him.

"What kinda of job do you want?" I asked.

"I don't want one." 

"Alright Aubrey." I grew angry. "Can you just cooperate damn it? I'm taking time out of my day to help your ungrateful ass. Like you could at least not act like an asshole."

"It's you're fucking fault I have to get a job." He yelled.

"Really? How?" I raised my voice.

"I wouldn't have fought him if it wasn't for you." I slammed on the brakes, gaining many honks for cars behind me.

"Get the fuck out of my car." He didn't move. I reached over him and opened the door. "Get out of my fucking car asshole."

"Whatever." He mumbled and got out. I shut the door and sped down the street. 



"So why was she mad?" CT asked.

"I mean I was kinda being a dick about the job thing." I mumbled. "But she didn't have to kick me out of the car." I walked to CT's house once October kicked me out of her car. I only went there cause it was right down the street. I got him to drive me home.

"Yeah." He mumbled. I opened the door and climbed out of the car.

"Thanks for the ride by the way." He nodded and I shut the door. I turned around to walk in and heard him drive off. I had two options, my house or October's. I really didn't wanna go home cause my dad would just keep telling me I needed a job and October was mad at me. I ultimately decided to go to October's. 

 I knocked on the door and a few moments later she answered. She rolled her eyes and walked away, leaving the door open. I took that as my signal to come in. She walked up to her bedroom, not looking back. Once I got up there she was laying on the bed with all the covers over her. I waled over and sat on the edge of the bed. No one spoke for awhile.

"Are you gonna say something?" I heard her say. I sighed.

"I'm sorry." I said. She uncovered her head and looked at me.

"What?" I rolled my eyes at her, I knew she heard me.

"October, I said 'I'm sorry'" She smiled a little.

"I thought I heard you wrong." She grabbed my hand and pulled me down so I was next to her. She pulled the covers over my body and wrapped her legs around me. "I'm sorry too." I felt her lips on my cheek. "I still love you even though you were being a dick." I laughed a little and moved my arms so they were around her. 

"I love you even though you made me walk." I kissed her forehead. 

"You needed it anyway." She smiled. I was about to say something when her phone started ringing. She reached over and checked the number and pressed ignore. 

"Who was it?" I asked as she laid back pon my chest.

"I didn't know the num-" She was cut off by her phone again. She sat up and checked it again. I saw her press ignore and throw it to the end of the bed. 

"Are y-" Once again I was cut off by her phone. She rolled her eyes and grabbed her phone. She pressed answer and put it to her ear.

"Whoever this is seriously needs-" She stopped talking when the person spoke. "Dad?" 


I paused for a moment, taking this in. I haven't heard from my dad ever since he left a year ago. To say I was shocked was an understatement. 

"Why are you calling me?" I asked. 

"I wanted to see you." He said. I paused, not really knowing what to do. "Hello?"

"Yeah, yeah I'm still here." I felt Aubrey's hand on my back. 

"Alright well I'm gonna be in town in two days." 

"Wait you mean like actually see me, like in person?" 

"Well yeah, I haven't spoken to you in awhile." 

"Where have you been?" I asked. "Why didn't you come sooner? No why did you do it in the first place?"

"October, I'll tell you all that stuff if you meet me when I come." I thought about it for a moment. I felt Aubrey's hand run down my arm and grab my hand. 

"Can I bring someone?" I squeezed Aubrey's hand.

"Yeah, I was gonna bring someone for you to meet." 

"Okay." I mumbled.

"Okay to meeting me?" 

"Yeah, I'm gonna meet you." 

"Alright, I'll meet you at that diner we always liked on Tuesday at 12." 


"Bye, I love you." He said. 

"Bye." I quickly hung up the phone and threw it on the floor. 

This whole meeting thing gave me and bad feeling. I wasn't sure what it would be but I wasn't gonna like this.


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