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"What's up with you?" Aubrey asked me. I looked up from my phone before responding.

"Thanks to you, my friends are pissed because I 'stood them up at the mall'." He dipped a fry in the milkshake he bought himself. I was still a little mad at him about earlier but he bought me dinner so I couldn't really be that mad. He'd dropped his friends off at their houses earlier and we decided to grab something.

"Sorry, maybe you should've texted them or something." He shrugged. I rolled my eyes before grabbing a fry and popping it in my mouth. "You do that a lot."

"Do what?" I picked up my burger and took another bite.

"Roll your eyes."

"Maybe cause you annoy me past the point of no return." He picked up his burger and finished it off before speaking.

"You haven't really given me the chance to turn what you think about me around." He sipped on his milkshake. "I mean like you just kinda have hated me from the start." I didn't respond and ate the rest of my burger. I pushed my fries over to him and he ate them. Once he was done I spoke.

"Can you take me home please?" He nodded and stood with his milkshake. I followed him out and to his car. It was about a five minute drive home and it was completely silent. He pulled into his driveway and I quickly got up and walked to my house.

When I got inside I walked up to my room and kicked my shoes off before laying down. I plugged my phone into the stereo and starting playing some music. I laid on my bed and starred at the ceiling until I heard someone knock at me window. I swear I almost fell off of the bed from how badly it scared me. I knew it was Aubrey so I chose to ignore it, he kept knocking and showed no signs of stopping. I sighed and walked over to open it.

"You should just leave it unlocked." He said throwing a bag into the window, then climbing in himself.

"What are you doing with that bag and why the hell are you over here?" He walked over and sat down on my bed.

"I'm gonna prove to you that I'm different." He smiled before laying back on my bed.

"Aubrey go home." I sighed. "You can't be here."

"The paper you signed says I can see you whenever I want sweetheart." He got his phone out and started going through it. "Don't argue, just enjoy the company." I sighed and sat down in my chair. "By the way nice music." He flashed me a smile, I remembered I had Nas playing.

"You listen to this stuff?" He nodded. "Really?"

"Yes sweetheart. I like new rap but I old rap is better." I nodded my head in agreement. He looked around my room, examining it. "You like art? Wait did you draw that over there?"

"Yes and yes." I smiled, I've always been proud of my artwork. "Wanna see some more?" He nodded and I got up and went to my chest where I kept all my art. I pulled it from the closet and Aubrey walked over. I opened it and pulled out a few things.

"October, this is incredible." He pulled out a few more pictures. "You're really good." We went through the pictures for about an hour and just talked. After he looked at all of them we started putting them away.

"You got any interesting hobbies?" I asked as I dragged the chest back in the closet. He sat on the bed.

"I like music, like making it." I climbed on the bed and sat by the headboard, while he sat at the foot. "I like singing and rapping too. Maybe if you come over one day I'll play a little something."

"Are you good at it?" He laughed at me.

"Yeah I guess." He shrugged. "I mean to me I'm good." After he said that there was silence, not like an awkward silence just a normal silence.

"Aubrey why did you make this deal? Tell me the truth, why did you want to hang out with me." He didn't answer for a moment.

"October, you're a lot different from most people." He said. "I just feel like a lot of people don't know me for who I really am. To tell you the truth I did this so at least one person would know me for who I really am, you know. I thought you were the prefect person cause you just understand better than anyone." He crossed his arms and looked away. "I mean I thought that but the last couple days have been hard for me to get through to you."

"So you wanted me to remember you for the way you actually were?" I asked, he nodded. "Why do you want someone to remember you, are you gonna do something? Like die?"

"Sweetheart, that's for me to know and you to possibly find out." He laid down on the bed.

"Aubrey what are you gonna do?" I urged him to tell me.

"Sweetheart can you turn off the lights?" I sighed, knowing I wasn't gonna get answers from him.

"Wait wait, you're sleeping here?" He nodded. "In my bed? I never said I was okay with that."

"It's fine October, were sleeping on different ends of the bed, so the worst thing that will happen is my feet will be in your face, and vice versa. I won't touch you, alright?" I turned off the light. As I walked back over to the bed, I tripped over something in the floor. "Are you okay sweetheart?" I started laughing and got up.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I climbed into bed. "And damn it Aubrey, stop calling me sweetheart."

"I like it, it's my nickname for you. No one else can call you that." He said through the darkness. "I don't care how much you protest I'm still gonna call you sweetheart."

"Can I call you dickface then?" He started laughing.

"October go to sleep." He told me. After that, neither one of us said anything and the room filled with a comfortable silence. After awhile I heard Aubrey's light snores, they weren't those annoying snores they were little cute ones that made me laugh. I felt my eyelids get heavy and before I knew it I fell asleep.

That was the first night me and Aubrey opened up to each other. I wish I could've gone back and urged him to tell me what he was gonna do, cause maybe I could've stopped him.


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