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"Aubrey before we go in I need to tell you something." I looked at him. 

I decided to try this thing out with Aubrey because I knew he'd try his hardest to make it work. I was surprisingly really nervous to walk into school. Aubrey was 'that guy' in school and I was just a random average girl. He really didn't give two shits about that though. The other reason was cause of those rumors. I knew people were gonna say shit, and I never told Aubrey.

"Yeah sweetheart?" He turned the car off.

"Jesse spread some rumors while you were gone." I mumbled.

"Like what?" 

"I gave you an STD and you were getting treated yesterday." I looked up at him.

"Man fuck her, and everybody else that believes that shit." I smiled and him. "You ready now?" I nodded and opened the car. Aubrey grabbed my hand and walked with me into the school. Of course he gained many stares. 

"Hey Aubrey." Some girl said, he gave her a small wave. I doubted he even knew her. He got many more people waving and saying hey. He finally stopped walking when he came to CT and Justin.

"What's up Aubrey?" CT greeted. "And the lovely October." I smiled at him. 

"So when are you gonna get away from her long enough to hang out with just us?" Justin said with an attitude. He said it as if I wasn't there.

"Justin, man chill." Aubrey sucked his teeth. 

"Man it's crazy you can't be away from her one afternoon." He glared at me. "It was better when you were with Jesse." He mumbled and pushed past me. 

"I have a feeling he doesn't like me." I turned to Aubrey. 

"You could say that." CT rolled his eyes. "He's acting like a bitch. You're actually really cool."

"Well thank you." 

"So y'all holding hands and shit now?" I saw Aubrey smile.

"Yeah, she finally gave me a chance." 

"It's about time, he's been drooling over you since y'all made this bet." Aubrey rolled his eyes.

"Anyway how are you and Aria? Y'all dating or.." 

"I was planning on asking her out again." He smiled. "I was gonna ask you guys to come, cause you know it might be a little weird."

"Yeah, I'm sure we can do that." Aubrey said. 

"Alight good, I've gotta get to class, Miss Dell will kill me if I'm late again. See you guys at lunch." And with that he walked away.

"I do too." I moaned. "I can't be late or Mr. Wonder will fail me for the day." Aubrey nodded.

"I would walk you, but I can't be late either." I gave him a quick hug. "See you second period." I nodded and started towards my homeroom. 


"I've been looking for you everywhere." Aubrey came up behind me. "Why are you in line, I was gonna get you some lunch, I can't now cause we don't have time."

"Well maybe you should've looked a little harder." I joked. "How did you get in front of so many people?" I came up to the food and started picking what I wanted. 

"What can I say? People love me." He smiled. As I picked up my food he grabbed some chips and paid for both. 

"Meet me in front of the school tomorrow. I'll take you somewhere." He started dragging me towards a table but I quickly pulled him back. 

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