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Two Weeks Later

Aubrey intertwined my fingers with his as we walked into school. 

By now, everyone at school knew about Aubrey and I. His reputation didn't change and neither did mine. He was still 'that guy' in school and I was just October. Hayley and Mel finally told people they were dating a week ago and it was so cute. The whole thing with CT and Aria didn't work out and he just back to single CT. Other than our relationships, nothing changed.

Aubrey pulled me closer, wrapped his arm around me and kissed my forehead. People as usual stared, but he just ignored them. We came to his locker to find Hayley, Mel and CT waiting.

"Damn you guys are late." CT said. "I had to sit and watch these two make out the past ten minutes."

"Well someone here takes the longest shower ever." Aubrey mumbled. 

"Hey." I elbowed him. "I took a short one today." 

"Your 'short' showers are an hour." He rolled his eyes, and started laughing with CT. 

"Anyway do any of you guys have that science shit." I asked since we all had the same science period. CT nodded his head no. I turned to Hayley and Mel who were paying no mind to us. I shoved Mel and they finally looked at me. 

"Oh hey October." They hadn't even known I had been here the whole time.

"Do you guys have the science?" 

"Yeah, I'll give it to you first period." As she said that the warning bell rang. 

"Alright that's my signal to go." I hugged Aubrey quickly. "I'll see you second period." He nodded and pecked my lips. I turned to Hayley and pulled her from Mel. 

"Hey hey, I was almost done." She looked at me.

"We would've been late." I rolled my eyes. She smirked and nodded in agreement. 


I felt Aubrey grab my thigh as Mrs. King gave her boring ass lecture about genetic energy.  I turned to him and smirked. 

"Did you get that homework done?" I nodded my head and pulled it out of my binder.

"I owe you." He squeezed my thigh and let it go to write notes. As I focused back in on this lecture I saw someone pass me a note. 

Can I talk to you after class. -Xaver

I rolled my eyes and crumbled up the paper. I started listening again until I saw another note on my desk. I rolled my eyes.

It'll be quick. -Xaver

I looked at him and nodded my head yes. I knew if I didn't agree I would continued to be bother with notes. I zoned back in for the rest of class. As the bell rang Mrs. King spoke.

"Be sure to turn in that worksheet." I stood and tossed the paper in the basket with Aubrey following behind. I walked out and waited by the door.

"You ready for lunch?' Aubrey stood next to me. 

"I need to talk to someone." I mumbled. as I said that Xaver walked up with a smile on his face. I heard Aubrey sighed in frustration. 

"I meant in private." Xaver eyed Aubrey. 

"This is as good as it's getting." Aubrey snapped.

"Alright no need to get snappy." He turned to me. "I guess I can do this in front of him. Anyway I was wondering if you wanted to get back together." I saw CT leaning against a wall across the hall, observing. 

"Alright Xaver, I'm gonna tell you one more time." Aubrey gritted his teeth. "She's not gonna go out with you. She's with me and will be for a long ass time." Aubrey turned around and started walking away. I quickly followed him.

"Would you be mad if I did this." I felt Xaver jerk me back and before I knew it his lips were on mine. I quickly pulled away and backed up. I turned to Aubrey, who then threw his bag down and walked towards Xaver. I quickly got in between them and tried to stop it.

"Aubrey leave it, okay?" He looked at me and I swear I saw flames in his eyes.

"He's not gonna get the message anyone other way." I noticed Xaver was ready to fight too.

"Stop, both of you." I said louder. I felt a hand on my hip and I was aggressively pushed to the ground. I knew it wasn't Aubrey who did that because he wouldn't throw me to the ground, it was Xaver. I looked up and saw them looking down at me. "Beat his ass Aubrey."  I mumbled. 

On cue Aubrey swung at Xaver and hit him in the face. I saw them throwing punches and felt someone pull me to my feet. I turned to see CT pulling me to the other side of the hall. I turned back to the fight and saw them both throwing punches. I couldn't really tell who was winning or who the blood was coming from. I saw teachers run towards the fight and break them both up. They both struggled a little to get away from the teachers holding them but eventually gave up. 

I finally got a chance to assess the damage. Aubrey had a busted lip with a bruise forming on his cheek while Xaver had a bruise forming on his eye and his nose was bloody, maybe even broken. CT and I watched as they were both dragged the the office. 

"Alright, want some lunch?" CT said once they were out of sight.

"CT my boyfriend just got into a fight, I'm not thinking about lunch." I shot him a glare. He grabbed my arm and lead me down the hall.

"He's gonna go to the office, get yelled at, they're gonna call his parents, and he'll be suspended for a few days." He shrugged. "I mean no need to worry. And if you are gonna worry, you can worry after lunch."

"I'm not hungry." I said as he pulled me through the line.

"I'll take you to lunch after school." He sighed. "His parents are gonna yell at him for awhile so either way you're gonna have to wait. Might as well wait while eating." He paid for his food and lead me to our table where Hayley and Mel sat. 

"Fine." I sighed. I just hoped Aubrey wouldn't get into any kind of big trouble.


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