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3 months later

I laid in bed and stared at the ceiling.

I really didn't sleep well because Aubrey wasn't here. It was my first night without Aubrey in the bed in a long time and it was really weird. Aubrey had become more serious about his music career, he actually was working on some stuff to send to some record labels. He was a couple weeks into the project and was working with this guy, 40. Since it was the first day of winter break Aubrey decided to spend the night in the studio. I really didn't mind because I supported his career.

The last three months were uneventful. Aubrey got a job but ended up quitting because he convinced his parents about his music. My dad and I talked almost everyday, I planned on going to see him right after Christmas and staying for a few days. Our relationship had actually changed a lot, I warmed up to him.

I slowly got out of bed and walked downstairs. I was surprised to see my mom at the island enjoying a bowl of cereal.

"Hey mom.." I said walking past her. 

"Hey sweetie." She looked up from her phone.

"Uh why are you home?" I asked pouring a glass of juice.

"I have now until Christmas off." Christmas was in three days so I mentally cursed. If she was here I couldn't really see Aubrey. At the same time I was  a little happy because she was home. "What are you dong today?"

"I don't know yet." I sipped form my drink and went through some of my messages.

"You wanna hang out or something? I wanted to spend some time with you, you know we never see each other." She smiled. My mom and I had a surprisingly good relationship, considering the fact we never saw each other. 

"I gotta see what Aubs is doing." My mom knew about my relationship with Aubrey, minus the spending the night together. "I gotta pack for dads too." She also knew about my dad. I ended up telling her, at first she was angry then she got over it. 

"Well maybe some dinner?" I smiled.

"Sure, dinner sounds good. But listen, I'm gonna go check on Aubrey." She  nodded and I left. I tried not to think of my attire, a tank top and some sweatpants, as I rang on the doorbell. I figured it was morning so I didn't have to sneak in his room. His mom answered the door and smiled. 

"Hey October." 

"Hey." I greeted. "Is Aubrey awake?"

"Not yet, he was out late last night. Feel free to wake him up though." I nodded and I walked up the stairs. Once I reached Aubrey's room I quietly walked in. He was sleeping with one hand hanging off the bed, the other in his pants, and no shirt on. I laughed at his position and walked over to the bed. 

"Aubrey." I whispered and rubbed a hand over his cheek. He moaned and switched positions. "Baby, get up." He rolled over, leaving my enough room to climb into bed. I pulled the covers over me and looked over at him. "Aubrey wake up." I nudged him and he finally opened his eyes. 

"Damn." He mumbled. "It's too early to be up." 

"It's ten o'clock Aubs." He laughed a little. He pulled me closer and rested his head on mine. 

"Are you doing anything today?"


"Good I'm going back to sleep." I looked up to see him closing his eyes. I could tell he was really tired but I really wasn't in the mood to sleep.

"Aubs no." I whined. "Please, I don't wanna go to sleep." He groaned loudly. 

"Then what do you wanna do?" He still had his eyes closed and I could tell he was falling asleep already. 

"Just talk to me." I said. "Are you going to the studio tonight?"

"Sweetheart I plan on going every night of winter break. I really wanna finish this tape fast and send it off." 

"Are you excited?" He nodded his head yes. I could tell he wasn't gonna stay awake. I knew when Aubrey was tired and right now he was exhausted, he wouldn't even open his eyes to talk. I decided to just let him sleep. 


I rolled over in bed and rubbed my eyes. I noticed Aubrey wasn't in the bed but realized the shower was running. As I relaxed back into the bed, I heard the room door open. I sat up, thinking it was his parents but I was met with a completely different sight.

In front of me stood a kid about our age. He was white and had jet black hair. We stared at each other for a few moments, not knowing what to say. I looked down and noticed he had two suit cases by his feet. I looked back into his eyes and just stared. 

"Well damn Aubrey, I didn't know you turned into a hot girl since summer." I smiled a laughed. "Hey I'm Ryan." He grabbed his bags and brought them into the room. 

"I'm October." I smiled. "You're Aubrey's..."

"Cousin." He sat in the chair in his room. Thinking about it now, I've seen him over here before. "I come down in the summer and on winter breaks. I usually live in Toronto though."

"Canada?" I asked surprised. I heard the shower turn off. 

"Yep." He laughed a little. "And you are?" 

"Hey sweetheart, I left my towel out there." I heard Aubrey yell. 

"His girlfriend." I stood up from the bed and grabbed the towel off the ground. I knocked on the door and he cracked it open and stuck his hand out. 

"Thanks." He shut the door. 

"So why do you come down here?" I asked.

"Cause T Dot gets cold as fuck." He joked. "Miami is nice and hot." 

"It's all good until you live here forever." As I finished my sentence Aubrey walked out of the bathroom with some basketball shorts and a shirt on. 

"Ryan!" He said excitedly. "I forgot you were coming. I thought she was talking to herself or some shit." I rolled my eyes and laughed. 

"How could you forget about your favorite cousin?" He asked. 

"You're not my favorite." He mumbled and walked to the bed where I was. "I see you two met." 

"Yeah, I thought you were a girl for a second there." Ryan relaxed back into the chair. "A hot girl." 

"Hey, hey she's mine." He joked. 

"So where's the whole crew? Justen, Cameron and CT." Aubrey sighed.

"I'll ask CT if he'll come over later." Aubrey told him. "I don't talk to Justin and Cameron since her and I started dating." 

"Did one of them used to date her?"

"Hell no!" I spoke up. 

"They just didn't like her and how much time I was spending with her." Aubrey mumbled. 

"Y'all are together all the time?"

"Most of the time." Aubrey told him. "But she's leaving after Christmas for a few days, so it'll be you and I for awhile."

"Damn, I was hoping to spend some time with her." He smirked at me. 

"Trust me, you don't have a chance anyway." He put his hand over his heart as if I hurt him.

"You got yourself a mean one." He looked at Aubrey.

"You gotta know her." He smiled and kissed my forehead. "She's only mean to assholes." He leaned down and kissed my lips. 

"Gross get a room." I looked at Ryan covering his eyes. 


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